chapter 7

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|| Christian's pov ||

" How can you not tell me ? " I yelled.

" I'm sorry ! She's my best friend , what did you expect ? " She shot back at me.

" Well I'm her best friend too ! That don't mean I don't tell you shit ! " I felt so disappointed. Mina is my best friend and so is Y/N but Mina is also my girlfriend , I thought she would trust me more.

" Bullshit ! Just because I'm your best friend and you girlfriend does not mean I'm obligated to tell you everything ! You always do this. You always try to control me all the time ! " She said and pointed her finger at me.

" Oh but I am obligated to tell you everything ? Huh ? I have to tell you where I am at all times , what time I go out and come back. Where I'm staying , and you call me controlling ? pathetic." I glared daggers at her.

" Excuse me ! It's called being a caring person idiot ! "

" You know what , Mina ? "

" What ? " She answered with an irritated tone.

" I'm sick of this. I'm sick of fighting , I'm sick of repeating the same shit over and over again and I'm just sick of not being enough for you. I'm sick of you not trusting me. I'm just not having it anymore. So you know what ? "

" No Mina , don't answer ! " Felix interrupted.

" What ? " She ignored Felix , tone still filled with anger.

" Bro I swear if you answer-" I interrupted Felix this time.

" We're done. I'm just done." I said , feeling tense. I clenched my teeth and headed to my room before slamming the door shut. I collapse on the bed , exhausted. I know having to break up with Mina should be the only thing on my mind but no. I'm more worried for my best friend , and who I treat as a little sister , Y/N. Where has she been ? I haven't heard a single thing for 2 days. Shit is driving me crazy.

|| Felix's pov ||

" Oh no no. Hell no. Things just can't that. " I said , looking at Mina who was balling her eyes out. Man , this is going to get awkward real fast since all of us live together for now. Mina's and Delfie's house is being renovated and they're staying with us.

Just then , we heard the front door creek open.

" Oh look , isn't it Y/N .The person wh-" I was interrupted by the sound of a bedroom door slamming open to reveal Christan.

" Hi Chris-woah" Y/N got shocked as Christan went to hug her. She looks at me.
" This is not normal-" She said confused. I shrugged. She pulled out of the hug and walked to the couch , where I was sitting and plopped down next to me.

" Where the hell have you been ? " I asked leaning my head against the sofa but facing her.

" Ah there it is."

" Well what did you expect me to ask ? " I looked at her with a playful smile.

" Oh I don't know , how about , how was the trip ? " She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. We continued to talk more and she told me everything about this Jimin kid and then of course there's Kai. Girl got so much in her life and then the idiot decided to tell her-

" I broke up with Mina." He said. I facepalm myself. This boy , seriously. She had her mouth wide open.

" Oh here we go again."

" I've got you on my mind. "


A/ N : Short chapter I know , Man I don't even know what the hell I was writing , I was just typing nonsense but enjoy it I guess lmao.

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now