chapter 17

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Jimin's pov :

I stayed with her until she fell asleep comfortably on her couch. He head gently resting on my lap. I caressed her hair as I hear he calm soft breath. She was a daydream. This girl , she's something special. I wouldn't say she's not like other girls , she is but better. Mark was slowly going in and out of sleep sitting on the chair with his hand on the kitchen counter supporting his head.

We heard a buzz and he jolted his body awake. He trudged towards the door and calmly pressed the button.

" Someone is here to see Miss Y/N. " The security guard Informed. Mark looked at me and I quietly signal for him to asked the security guard who was here.

" Who wants to see her ? " He asked in a serious tone. For all we know , it could be that bastard who touched her.

" It's Kai. From EXO sir. " Both him and I looked at each other confused. I nodded.

" Okay , let him in. " He instructed and the security guard buzzed Kai in. Moments later , there was a knock on the door and alot of shuffling. Mark opened it and welcome him in. They shared a handshake. He saw me and smiled before changing his face into a confused one. It was Y/N. He saw her sleeping in my lap. We had a handshake and he sat down on one of the sofa chairs.

" How long has she been knocked out for ? " He asked , concern. We both sigh.

" 3 hours at most. She keeps having nightmares every now and then. She's really stressed about this. She was always a private person , I don't know who would leak out her info. " I told him. Mark walked to the living room and sat in the other sofa chair.

" I don't know, I have a person in mind." He says and rested his head back onto the chair.

" Me too. " I sigh.

" Nayun Kim. " We both blurted out at the same time. Mark leaned forward aggressively. Making eye contact with me.

" How the fuck do you know her ? " he asked.

" We went to the same school , Mark. Everyone knew her. She was famous but for all the wrong reasons. " I began to speak. He looked at me confused.

" I used to like her. I liked her so much that I neglected the one person that actually truly loved me , Y/N. No , I never did date Nayun because she was making me chase for her most of the time. The thing is every boy is the school was crazy for her. I knew that but I didn't give up and then everything turned to shit for her. "

" Eveyone found out , huh ? That she was a two faced bitch ? And everyone hated her because she played everyone , including me. " Mark confessed to me.

" crazy how our taste in woman was trash back then , hm ? " I joked and we both shared a laughed.

" Wait , what ? " Kai looked at the both of us confused.

" Well Kai , The girl you're chasing for , The one you wanna marry , dated Jimin before. " Mark informed Kai. Kai was wearing the most shocked face I've ever seen.

" Wait a FUCKIN minute. MARRY ? " I questioned and then everything clicked. Oh this is the fucker that was going to marry her , huh ?

" Oh , we got a problem now. "

A/N : this was a shitty chapter , I'm so sorry.
I'll do better.

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now