chapter 13

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I woke up with a huge hangover. I didn't really remember much of anything from the previous night. All I remembered was the whole mark situation and then inviting someone over . I don't really know who . Was I drugged ? I mean , I don't drink. I looked around. There was no one. I was alone in my apartment. Grabbing my head in pain , I sat up from the couch. Everything was cleaned. Just 5 bottles of soju was on the table and it looked like the last bottle was half way done. There was a little piece of paper on the table.

" Thank you for yesterday , princess. It was the most fun I had in a long time. Remember , I'll always be waiting. I miss you already. ❤ "

I think the fuck not. What happened last night. Everything is a blur. I tried hitting my head to remember but shocker , it didn't help. My hungover got worser tho. I walked to the bathroom , feeling like my whole world is spinning. I felt my face for whatever reason , wow how nice , the person removed my makeup for me. I look turned on the light to my bathroom and immediately washed my face. I grabbed a towel to dry my face. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were wide open.


Are these hickeys !? I had an image of someone kissing my neck flash in my brain. I started panicking. We didn't. No , I wouldn't. But did I ? OH MY GOD. I did didn't I ? I grabbed my hair in frustration. I heard a knock on the door and rushed to open it.

" Wow , you something." Mina greeted and invited herself in.

" Woah , you had a party last night , huh ? " She gestured to the soju bottles. I rolled my eyes but then panick overcame me.

" Mina , I don't remember much of anything last night. I swear to God I invited someone but I don't remember letting them in or who they were. " I said frustrated. She shakes her head.

" Yah , pabo. Just rest first. You being all panicky is not helping the hangover is it ? Now go lay down , I'll fix up some herbal tea in the mean time. " She says and goes to the kitchen. I'm still standing there blinking. She's such a mom.

" I said go lay down you stupid ass bitch." She says and I do as told. I switched on the TV. The movie was stopped half way. Okay then. I just played and watched the remaining of the movie.

" Then that's where I'll be. "

A voice said in my head. What was that ? I looked at Mina. She's busy filling the kettle with water to boil. No way that was her. She's way too far and her voice doesn't sound like that. That voice , it sounds familiar but muffled. It repeated in my head multiple times. What the fuck happened last night ? I groaned as the pain in my head grew stronger.

" I'm never drinking again. " I huffed out.

I reached for my phone on the table to turn it on and see the time or check some messages. It was dead. I gently slammed it on the table.

Who is it ?

It was definitely a guy , right ?

Ugh why can't I remember ?

Everything's a blur , what happened ?

Was I drugged ? No way , it doesn't sound like the person put me in danger  , no ?

maybe the security knows ?

They would've had to let him in right ?

Urghh my head hurts even more.

With every thought and Every question feeling my head, I felt myself drifting off to sleep by the second. I entered dreamland where everything was possible in the impossible.

I saw a figure. He was looking at me in the dark. He wasn't creepy or looked dangerous at all. It was almost like he was admiring me. His face was blurred in with the darkness.

" Baby , I love you. " he said , looking at me.

Too many people , or boys rather , calls me baby. But as if I couldn't control myself , I spoke.

" Do you really or are you just playing me , hm ? " I blurted out. Hoe what kinda K- drama bullshit is this ? He brings his hand towards his heart and made a cross.

" I cross my heart " He looks at me desperately. I scoff.

" No , I can't do this again. I just can't. " I said and walked away. I felt so broken. I felt myself crying. From nowhere , I fell into a hole splashing into the water. I looked up , the rims of the hole was on fire. It was pitch black in there. Surrounded by darkness , I started panicking and slowly I started suffocating.

My body jolted awake as if sending shock waves to my brain to wake me up because I was actually not breathing in real life. I rubbes my eyes but instead I felt wetness. Was I crying ? I'm taking a shower.


I closed my eyes as the hot water poured on me , not leaving any bit of skin dry. I took time to think and breathe. The sound of the water droplets hitting my bare skin and dripping down to the floor calmed my nerves. The music in the background helped alot aswell. Two feet - Love is a bitch , does wonders.

After the shower , I wrapped my hair with a towel and my body with another. Drying my skin , I looked through my closet for a big oversized black T-shirt with some comfortable shorts. I put them on and hanged my towel to dry it. I walked to the kitchen , untying my hair towel and used it to dry my hair. I lay the towel over my shoulders so that my t-shirt won't get wet. I poured the tea that Mina made earlier into my cup. Wow , it's still hot. She probably went to work already.

Speaking of work , remember when I said I was working for bighit ent ? I start next week so I can chill for now. I studied to be a lawyer and now I'm working at bighit as a studio assistant. How the fuck does that happen ?

I looked for my phone and saw it charging. Thanks Mina. I unplugged it and right on time , I got a call. I smile at the caller ID.

" Hey Kookie. " I greeted.

" Heyy Y/N. " He greeted back. Ah same old Kookie.

" Why have you called me ? What do you want ? " I questioned.

" Wow , I have not said anything and you're assuming I want something ? " He asked.

" Well , you called me out of the blue , so do you ? " I said loud and clear. I could feel him giving me a idiotic smile while rubbing his neck.

" I swear you're psychic." He retorted.

" You're just now figuring that out ? " I said and rolled my eyes. He chuckles.

" Yah I need help okay. " Finally , he tells me.

" hm , as  suspected and predicted. What can I help you with Mr Justin Seagull ? " I say and he snorts.

" Be my date ? "

A/N : OMG I forgot how messy I planned the storyline. Well , that's interesting. Also, who do you think was the guy that she spent the night with , hm ? All wrong answers only , go !

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now