chapter 12

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My day began interestingly. 4 hours ago I had my thoughts interrupted by that whole situation. I finally had time to myself to think. I went out to my balcony and sat in my comfortable grey bean bag chair. I scrolled through Instagram , liking post after post of different pictures of friends , family , memes and celebrities. I saw a picture..of him on my explore page. I clicked it. He was on the  cover of a magazine headline.

His skin was glistening in the sunlight as he struck a very sensual pose. His shirt- drenched in sweat , just enough to see his built body but not enough to see through and show more. He sure as hell knows how to tease. I took a long look at the picture. More than I needed. I admired his veins that was popping out on his arms. Those hands could do some damage.

I had a sudden erge for his presence , for his voice , for him. Without hesitation , I dialed his number. I bit my lip anxiously as I waited for him to pick up. The ringing on the other line was not helping me stay calm. Finally , his voice spoke.

" Good afternoon , princess. Why have you called me ? " He politely greeted. I gave out a calming sigh.

" Are you free today ? " I immediately got to the point. No point beating around the bush is there ?

" Very. Why ? Did anything happen ? " He answered. Ah , that's voice , I'll always melt for.

" No , everything's fine. I've got nothing to do today , do you maybe want to hang out ? " I questioned. He clears his throat.

" Yes , I would love to. Where and when ? " I smiled at his answer.

" My new place , around 20 minutes ? I'll send you the address. "

" Make it 10. I look forward to seeing you , princess. " He says sweetly.

" See you. " I say and we both hang up. Oh my God , what did I do ? I texted him my address and immediately ran to the

Makeup- done an hour ago. Clothes -  cosy maroon two piece, that'll work. Hair- messy bun , he loves it. I got out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen. Snacks & Drinks - All his favourites and mine are on the table. Blankets - yup , done. Netflix - ON. Lights - Dim. Curtains - closed. ( So there's no reflection on the tv , duh. Y'all dirty.) Ah and of course , organic body scent spray , he loves that. Now we wait.

your outfit 🦋

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your outfit 🦋

your outfit 🦋

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Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now