chapter 23

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Some things never change. Even if you wish it would. Sometimes you wish it was just a dream or it was unreal - and sometimes you wish you could erase it forever. i couldn't wrap my head around it. It's been weeks since the story of me and Mark blew up. i'm not even going to mention the Jimin and Nayun scandal cause that was just pathetic. I see reporters everywhere now which is kind of ridiculous. Can't even get a cup of coffee without a flash in my face. Just the other day i wanted to go to my favourite thrift shop - not even 3 seconds and a massive group of reporters crowded i front of the store. It's as if they know EVERYTHING about me. EVERYTHING.

" Maybe it won't be so bad. " Mina says looking in the mirror while tying her hair up in a bun. I leaned back on my chair , twirling a few strands of my hair.

" It's been almost a month. Don't these people have a life or something ? I bet carrying a camera around must be burden too. " I huffed out a sigh.

" Of course they do. Why do you think they're doing what they're doing ? It's a source of income , honey. "

" Understandable but if you're literally suffocating my privacy and alone time , that's kinda over doing it , don't you think ? " I gazed out the window , looking down at the paparazzi.

click click flash click flash

" let's get going. We can't be late. " She grabs my arm , pulling me up and i groan in annoyance.

" Why do I have to go ? It involve people. " she ignores me and fixes my hair , smiling as she does. We made our way out of the hotel room to the elevator and down to the limo. If you ask me , Yes . It's fucking extra.

I entered the car and saw the most annoying smirk in my life , seven to be exact. I rolled my eyes and shut the door with a slam.

" I hate all of you with my life. " I say , uncomfortably adjusting my dress , " Also this dress is the most suffocating fuck of a thing ever. " clearly i'm not having the best day.

" Oh come on Y/N , it's gonna be fun ! You get to meet all types of boy groups and girl groups. " BamBam says to me with a smile on his face.

" To be really honest , i don't care. I can't believe i let you guys talk me into going to this thing. " I groaned again , hitting my head on the window with regret. They started to get tipsy in the limo and I wanted to jump out of the moving vehicle. They also starting singing OFF KEY like a bunch of idiots on some weed.

We finally arrived and i kid you not , i went out of the limo faster than flash could run. BIG. MISTAKE.

" Miss Y/N !!!! What dress are you wearing !? "


" MISS Y/N-"

" Y/N TUAN- "

" Y/N ! Y/N- "

Suddenly , the limo don't seem so bad. I tried to return to the limo but Mikan pulled my back . Mikan - My manager.

" You're going the wrong way , Y/N. " He took me by the hand.

" Well that waS THE POINT- "

" Come on !! " He interrupted me and brought me to the entrance hall. How rude. I felt really nauseous and overwhelmed by everything. I felt really really sick.

" Mik- "

" No time my dear , we have a lot  of people we need to meet. " He says and drags me to the ballroom floor filled with celebrities dancing. ah too loud , my head is pounding.

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now