chapter 25

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I looked at her with wide eyes. I stared at her for a minute and tilt my head.

" Come again ? " I asked again.

" Listen , if you don't stop freaking out , i AM going to stress out and have a miscarriage so please chill the fuck out. " she said and sat in the car seat with her legs pointing out of the car. i walk over and sit on the ground in front her.

" Well , what are we going to do now ? "i put a reassuring hand on her thigh and lay my head there.

" i don't know , but we have to figure this out. " That night , everything changed. That was the night she found out i was a Mom. Me and her discussed it and decided that if the father of the baby accepts it , we have to break up. Which is really sad.


And to me , he was the one that got away. Even though we only dated for 1 month , i never regretted anything. He treated me good. I wish he'd stay but i had to let him go.


At this point , i was still with Jino , and no i have not told the father yet. But sitting down in the big conference room , i was shaking and i was nervous. Waiting for him to come into the room and having to tell him i'm having his baby.

Some part of me wanted him to not accept the situation so that I could move on with Jino but the other part of me wanted him to say yes to the baby.

And finally , the moment came where i had to deliver the news. The conference room door open and there he was. I stood up and bowed. I sat back down and faced him.

" Why have you called me here today , Y/N ? " He smiled and looked at me cheerfully. Oh honey , you have no idea how what i'm about to tell you will swipe that smile off your face in an instant.

" Uhm so , i have something really important to tell you and before i do , i just want to say , there's no pressure in being involved. " I assured him. He looked at me confused.

" you're scaring me a little bit. " He says and chuckles nervously.

" Oh don't worry , you will be in about 30 seconds. " I say nervously and laugh.

" What do you mean by that ? " He asked confused. I took a deep breath and looked at him in the eye , tearing up a little bit.

" Jimin , I'm pregnant. " And just like that his smile was gone.

" Aha i'm sorry , what ? " He asked again in shock. I gave out a big sigh.

" I'm pregnant and the baby is yours. " I said trying my best not to cry.

" How is the baby min- Oh. " realizing this , he stood up and his eyes were filled with tears. He looked away from me and tilt his head up.

" Jimin , you don't have to be in this if you're don't want to. I'm not pressuring you into doing something you don't- " I was interrupted with his lips on mine. I wrap my hands around his neck tightly. Unknowingly, all this time , all that was missing , was him.

" i'll always want you , Y/N "

The next day , me and Jino ended things. It's was a messy and wholesome breakup at the same time. I'll always love him.

But my heart will always belong to Park Jimin and from that day that i told Jimin in that conference room i was having his baby , I knew It was official , i had finally became

Park Y/N.

- End Of Book 2 -

A/N : AHHH OH MY GOD FINALLY WE ARE DONE WITH THIS BOOK ! I just want to thank everyone who still read my book up till now. I'm not the best writer. I realize that my story has many plot holes and grammatical errors but that's the thing , i wrote this book for fun. It's not meant to be taken seriously. It's just a FanFic. BOOK 3 will be coming soon and it's the last part of this series. Thank you so much for the support. I'm sorry if the ending isn't what you expected but it's the best i could do. After I'm done with Book 3 i will be moving on to another account where i'll be writing Fiction and Fantasy Books. It will be more mature content. Thank you so much for coming on this Journey with me. I love you all so much <3

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now