chapter 21

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DAY 15


I woke up feeling sick. My whole world was spinning. Ah , it felt like I was having a hangover again. I bolted to the bathroom , I plopped to the floor and starting throwing up. Did I eat something wrong ?

Disgusted , I wiped my mouth. My thoughts were all over the place. I put my hands on the side of the toilet bowl and pushed myself up. I flushed the toilet and walked to the sink. I rinsed my mouth and brushed my teeth. Oh what the heck ? I still feel sick. I looked into the mirror as I brushed my teeth.


I look like a mess.

I rinsed my mouth and as soon as I did that , I ran to the toilet bowl and started throwing up again. Oh my god , I feel so light-headed. I heard the front door open.

Who is that ?

" Y/N !! Where are you , girl ? " I heard the familiar voice fading in and out. I hear footsteps coming into the bathroom.

" N/N ? You okay ? " The voice asked again and I immediately throwed up again.


" Here , have some warm water. You feeling better now , bae ? " Mina asked me full of concern. I nodded slowly. I placed the glass of water on the table.

" Why are you here , by the way ? " I asked. She gave me a mischievous smile. That's not a good thing. That means she knows something or she's planning something.

" I know something. " She looked at me a smiled sheepishly. Oh , what now ? She must've read my mind because the next thing she said made my eyes open wide.

" Nayun Kim spreaded rumours that her and Jimin dated. He's in a scandal. "

I didn't know how to react. I stopped working. What's was I supposed to say ?

" She says she's pregnant and it's his. " I was dumbfounded. What the fuck ? What am I seriously supposed to say ? Congratulations or something ? What ?

I started hysterically laughing. This is a joke. It has to be. No way in hell would Jimin tap that. She ain't even got nothing to tap. Nayun Kim , What the fuck are you on ? What the fuck are you smoking ? Who are you kidding ?

" What kinda bullshit- " I started laughing again. This is the best joke of this year so far. Mina looked at me and laughed as well. We both know she ain't pregnant. Even if she was , it's not Jimin's baby.

" There's no way. "


Jimin's POV

" Park Jimin , please tell me this is a joke. This girl is going on every single news outlet saying you dated her and that she's pregnant with your baby. " I've never seen PD Nim look more shocked and angry in his life. Of course I did not. Why would I ?

" I promise you , she's lying. I did not sleep with her. I didn't do anything with her. I haven't even talked to her in 5 years. " I assured everyone in the room.

" Oh , so you do know her ? " He questioned me further. At this point , I feel like I'm being interrogated.

" Yes because she fucked with both of our lives in college. " I felt agitated reminiscing over the memory.

" Both of our lives ? Who's is the other person ? "

" Well , Y/N and I used to date. " I said and looked down.

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now