chapter 18

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" Oh , we got a problem now. " Jimin retorted with much anger. At this point , Kai and Jimin were having a death stare off.

" Shit , what have I done ? " Mark regretly says to himself. It was very clear he wasn't fond of neither of them but he knew he just created destruction. Although it seems like there's nothing in the air at first sight but Mark standing there could feel the tension and heat from both people creating a hurricane like atmosphere.

" She's mine , Jimin. " Kai aggressively spill those words out of his mouth , trying to firmly state his words.

" Oh , I don't think so , Fucker." Jimin returned the aggressiveness back Kai's way. With all the commotion , Y/N started waking up slowly. Her hangover was still looming over her head but nonetheless she gets up , rubbing her eyes. As she opened her eyes , adjusting them to the light , she froze. Two people that were never meant to meet is staring at each other. She looked at her brother and guilt was spelled out across his face. He fucked up.

Even though she was dizzy , she stood up from the sofa and drag Kai away , removing the tension in between Him and Jimin. She brought him outside to the balcony and shut the door, closing the blinds.

" What the fuck was that ? Why were you two looking at each other like you're gonna kill one another ? And why are you here ? " She started asking question after question. He seemed relaxed as soon as he hears her voice.

" When were you ever going to tell me he was your ex boyfriend ? Hm ? I got here and I see you laying on his lap. What was that ? " He didn't give her an answer but instead redirected his questions onto her.

" Why does it matter ? I'm not your girlfriend , I'm not obligated to tell you everything about me. Stop trying to control me , Kai. I am my own person , I'm not an object to be claimed. And I've told you countless times , I will not marry you. " She frimly says , looking into his eyes to tell him she meant it.

" You have no choice , Y/N. Either you marry me or say goodbye to your father's company. " He gave her an ultimatum.

" That's not fair , Kai. " She run her hands through her hair grabbing it in frustration.

" Life isn't fair , Y/N. " He told her, smirking.

" You're right. Life isn't fair.." She looked at him and he smiles , thinking she finally let him in but , ".. because life made me meet you." She says looking into his eyes , wiping that annoying smile off his face. She walked back into the living room and straight to Jimin and pulled him into her room once again.

She looked at Jimin so lovingly. She knew , no one could replace him. Not a single soul but she knew after all that , she knew she can't loose him again.

" I trust you. "

A/N : HAHAHHAA Y'ALL THOUGHT.  I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's short but i still hope I mind fucked y'all alittle bit.

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now