chapter 20

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DAY 04 : The Emails.

It's been four days since the chaos and people have been asking all sorts of questions about me online. I didn't really want to ever face the media but it looks like I have to choice. Many radio shows and magazine media are requesting for me to be their special guest and do an interview. I don't have a manager or a PR person to help me with anything so I hired the only two people who has knowledge about all these media industries.

Felix and Chris.

They have been in the industry , following their grandfather's footsteps since they were young so I'm pretty sure they know how I should function in front of the internet.
They denied it at first but of course I used my charming ways , in other words , blackmail to make them magically rethink their decisions. Mission Succeeded.

" Wow , blackmailing us is so not cool , N/N." Felix blurted out , slightly pouting.

" Yah , I'd rather have you guys be my managers than someone I don't know and don't trust. I just need you to help me answer all these emails from media outlets and radio shows. They want to do an interview and I can't do this by myself. " I desperately pleaded. They saw how genuinely clueless I was about all these. Chris gave out a sigh and took my laptop from my hand and immediately his eyes went wide.

" MORE THAN A 100 EMAILS !? Wow , people really want you on their shows. " He looked at the laptop in disbelief.


Nayun's POV

What the fuck. No , seriously. What the actual fuck. I wanted to expose her to make her suffer , not make her gain popularity. What is this bullshit ? This is not what's supposed to happen.

" UGH THAT BRAT ! ALWAYS RUINING EVERYTHING. " I screamed to myself in frustration. Then I guess , I'll make myself famous too. There was this one idol , he was head over hills in love with me so I don't think the boy will mind me using him , hm.

Park Jimin , It's time I win you back.


Kai's POV

She sees me as a bad guy but she doesn't see how I'm so in love with her. I know. I know I act like a douche but that's not what I wanted to act like. I get too nervous around her. When she's around me , I feel like I can't think and I can't act right. When I look at her , I stop breathing because she gets even more beautiful every time I do see her. The way she walks , the way she talks , the way she does everything is just so different. She makes me feel something that no girl has ever mad me feel.

I still remember , the first time we met. She was wearing a big hood sweater and some black skinny jeans. Her hair was tied up into a ponytail and she was leaning against the wall , looking at her phone. She made eye contact with me and I just forgot to breathe. She was the most beautiful woman I've ever met. Call me crazy , but that's when I knew I'd fall for her so hard and I didn't mean to fall this hard.

We were in the main building of my father's company and I couldn't help but approach her. She looked so calm and relaxed.

" Excuse me , Miss ? Are you new here ? I haven't seen you around here before. " I gently asked. She gave me the sweetest smile.

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now