chapter 19

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Jimin's pov

" I trust you. "

My face softens. I didn't understand what was going on. This whole situation was a whole shit show. I didn't know how to act to what she said.

" I trust you too , N/N. " my voice shaking with happiness.

She looks so tired and out of it but nonetheless , she smiles. She looks pale almost.


We were about to leave but she grabs my hand. I turned my head towards her , confused. She gave me a big hug and gave me the sweetest smile.

Not long after , we left and left the building to my car.

" Oi , Jimin. " I heard someone yell behind me. It was that fucker. I reluctantly turned around to face him.

" What do you want ? " I retorted rudely.

" Just letting you know , she will be mine. " Kai arrogance could be smelled from a mile away.

" Doesn't look like it. " I mockingly smiled and got into my car. I left him there standing looking like an idiot. He's face was red with embarrassment.

Y/N's pov

Today was a long day. It was a shit show. Two idiots fighting over a girl that isn't even worth their time is mind blowing to me. I'm just a normal girl. I'm no one. They could have anyone they want but why me ?

But there's one thing for sure , my face is no longer unknown anymore. In 4 minutes after the news got out , my name , my face , videos of me was trending #1 on every single platform. I had no privacy anymore. It was stolen from me. My freedom - I no longer have my freedom.

My Identity wasn't the only thing that was spreading like wildfire , rumours about me was being thrown around from web page to news blogs to national TV.

I. Was. Everywhere.

My Social Media platforms was blowing up. Every few minutes , hundreds and thousands of fans from different boy groups and girl groups of different K-Pop industries started following me. It's either because I'm Mark's sister or it's because I was accused of being with their biases , it didn't matter , all I know is , I will have to approach this situation smartly , logically and professionally. The shocking thing was that celebrities started following me. Oh my god , what ?

My phone was a hot mess.

ding ! ding ding din-ding! ding ! ding !

That's sound. It was starting to get on my nerves. Every second. Every single second.

ding ! ding ! ding !

I aggressively muted my phone. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of this ! It's only been a day but I. Am. Sick. Of. It !


Oh , what now ? Wtf is that sound ? I look down at the phone on my table. It was vibrating and the caller ID lit up on my phone.

" Eomma ? " I read the name , questionably. I picked up my phone and slide to answer.

" Ah , Hey sweetie ! Are you okay ? I saw the news. How did this happen ? Does Mark know ? How is Mark doing ? What did he say ? Hm ? Did you eat yet ? Did yo- " she frantically ask.

" Eomma. " I tried to get her attention.

" How are you handling this ? Do you need me to come visit ? Are you doing well ? You're all over the news. How - " She ignored me and continued to question me.

" Eomma. " I tried again , this time a little louder.

" Ah , your dad and I are doing everything we can ! I know how much you didn't want to be in the media. I'm sorry. Did you eat , honey ? I- I tried to stop the news but I- "

" Eomma ! " I said louder now , almost shouting.

" What !? " She shouted at me. She was breathing heavily. I could hear it.

" Eomma , please relax. I'm doing okay. Mark is doing okay. Don't apologise. It's seriously fine. There's nothing we can do about it now. I'll handle it , okay ? Don't worry about me. " I assured her. Ah , my mother worried too much over us sometimes. It's not good for her health.

" A-Are you sure , monster ? " She asked again.

" Yes. Go rest , eomma. You sound tired. I'll call you soon ! I love you. " I said and hanged up.

Ah ! EVERYTHING is a mess today. A complete shit show.

I fell into the soft white sheets of my bed. Rest Y/N. Tomorrow will be a world wind thunderstorm.

I slowly felt my subconscious drifting to Neverland.

" I'm tired of you not being beside me. "

DAY 01 : The Beginning Of The Internet Chaos.

A/N : THE LONG AWAITED CHAPTER. Sorry it was not as good as I thought it would be. I really tried.

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now