chapter 11

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im back bitches ~

[ Hello friends , uhm I know I've been gone for the longest time like tf was I climbing mountains or something ? lmao nah I was hanging out with them aliens.

All jokes aside , I wanna say thank you for waiting and being patient with me. Im creating a new character but I have no names. If you guys would be so kind to comment any names or even your own name , it would be so sweet.]


It's been a few months since I moved back to Seoul Korea. Something just doesn't feel right. Maybe it's because I'm finally living alone or that Im just still getting used to this new environment. Or maybe...the reason is the fact that I thought I would wake up beside him everyday , feeling his strong arms around me ensuring that I'm safe.

Mina found an apartment she loved. Maybe it was stupid that our apartments are right beside each other. We were thinking of building a door that connects our apartments..for security reasons. Everything up to this point has been a blur. How did it go to shit in a few seconds ? I sat up straight on my bed , grabbing my hair in frustration. Why can't I get you out of my head ? Why can't I get him out of my head too ? Everything has been an emotionally draining journey. I got up and walked to my balcony , taking in the morning view of the sunrise shining its light across the city. I took a deep breath in. Well fuck that.

How did I get to this point of my life ? It couldn't get any worse right ? I heard a knock on my door. I reluctantly opened it to see a familiar face but I couldn't remember. He was focused on his phone , he didn't even realise that the door was opened. I rolled my eyes. I snapped my fingers and he looked up in realization.

" Ah , I'm sorry to bother you- Woah.." He says as he stares at me. I stood there awkwardly.

" C-can I help you , sir ? " I asked politely. He snapped out of it and gave me a smile , rubbing his neck awkwardly.

" I had a question but are you by any chance Y/N ? " He asked and my eyes go wide open. I nodded confused.

" Mark , I found your sister !! " He screams and runs down the hall. Wait a minute. What the fuck just happened ? Mina slammed her door opened , clearly annoyed. Surprise , she's not a morning person.

" Okay who the fu- " She stopped as soon as she saw me. I was as confused as her. UNTIL I SAW MARK. Mina and I looked at each other and retreated into our apartments and shut the door. Oh my fucking God , no. I slide down the door , trying to process what the hell just happened.

" Yah , Y/N , open the door ! Is that really you ? " Marks knocks and asks excitedly. No no no. I moved out to get away from THAT not to come back to it. Oh it got worse.


30 minutes has passed and I was still on the floor in front of my door , thinking. No way. That guy , the one that knocked. He looked so familiar. Then it hit me. I recognized that stare. That voice. That face. Jackson Wang ? My brothers closest bestfriend. They go way back. I was never allowed to be near Jackson because he has a tendency to flirt with every girl he sees. Mark didn't want that to happen to me , his one and only sister.

After we moved to America , Mark went back to Korea to pursue his dream , which was to be a Kpop idol. Not going to lie , I deadass thought he was joking. He wanted to be a rapper in a boy band. What's with idols surrounding my life , huh ? Nonetheless , I supported him and gave him all the love he needed to pursue it and He fucking did. He took his dreams by the balls and said , you're fuckin mine. He signed under JYP and by fate , all of his bestfriends were in the same group which debuted in 2014 , January 16. They rose to fame after their first EP Got It?, which peaked at number two on the Gaon Album Chart and number one on Billboard's World Albums Chart. They gained attention for their live stage performances and different personalities.I just turned 20 that year. I never wanted the spotlight so I stayed hidden as his secret sister.

How cliche but that happened. A company called " dispxtch " started circulating a picture of me and Mark hugging titled " Marks Secret Girlfriend." Rumours started spreading like wildfire across the internet from platform to platform. It was chaotic. My face was hidden , obviously because Mark is literally a tree and I'm tiny compared to him. My head was burried in his chest. The picture attracted so much attention that JYP had to put out a statement saying Mark was perfectly single and it was just a family member. JYP did it in a way where my identity was still hidden. Bless that man.

Now that I think about it , It would make perfect sense that his shared apartment would be in this area. The security here is one of the strongest in Korea and only the top officials are allowed to rent in the neighborhood. It is also quiet and not in a place where fans can just intrude. It's not uncommon that Idols rent apartments and houses here.

How am I not freaking out that my brother is literally an idol ? I always knew he'd be famous. He's too special to just have a normal everyday job. I know you're also thinking- " He's your brother , shouldn't you know where he lives ? " The answer is yes. I should but he has too many apartments so I can't keep track. I gave up asking.

Finally , I stood up from the floor and opened the door to seven beautiful but idiotic men.

" Oh what the fuck. " I blurted out. Some gave me confused faces but some stared at me with wide eyes.

" What ? Never heard a girl cuss before or something ? " I questioned.

" What a way to greet your brother in years , huh ? " He sarcastically asked. We shared a long , lung clenching hug. I looked at the six of them and laughed.

" Hey , aren't they the six idiots that was with you that day when I was chasing you ? " I blurted out the question again , giggling.

" Yah , idiots ? " They said , offended. I then noticed Mina , giving me a death stare. I shake my head and rolled my eyes at her playfully.

" Mina , it's 10:36 am in the morning , stop being lazy." I said to her and everyone's attention goes to her.

" Excuse you but we literally moved in yesterd and I wake up to 7 monkeys screaming in the morning like what the fuck is that man. I deserve my fuc-" Ah there she goes , ranting and whining.

" Good luck. " I say to the 7 while Mina continues to rant at them. I returned inside my apartment. Yep , she's definitely not a morning person.

" I didn't know I was in love with you that deep. "

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now