chapter 24

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" No , a pregnancy test. "

My body's instant reaction was to break. Even though i was in the middle of the highway , i couldn't respond. I was lucky there were no cars around us as this was a deserted highway path. I froze for a moment. Did i hear that right ? Pregnancy test ? I slowly turned to look at Y/N.

" You idiot ! We could've crashed ! "She yelled i shock. I looked at her in disbelief.

" You're...pregnant ? " I asked , still in shock. She put her hand to her forehead.

" i- uhm- i don't know Jino. I think i might be. I mean it's been like 3 weeks since i've been throwing up. I- I just need the pregnancy test to make sure i'm actually pregnant or i'm going crazy. "

" And if you are ? " She looks at me and furrows her eyebrows.

" Then i'm fucked , literally. " I didn't know how to react. I drove to the nearest convenient store and she asked me to wait while she get the kit.


Oh my god. Can you believe i'm at a convenient store bathroom , waiting for my
pregnancy test results ? This is so ridiculous. I looked at my phone.

2 minutes.

I slowly reach for the pregnancy test.


" Positive ? P- Positive ? H-how ? I- " i started balling my eyes out. I sank to the bathroom floor and grabbed my stomach with tears streaming down my face.

I just couldn't believe it.

i'm pregnant.

I stood up and looked in the mirror , i looked awful. My mascara with the mix of my tears flowing down my face. I looked at the pregnancy kit again while going out of the bathroom in disbelief. I saw Jino sitting on the hood of his car waiting for me.

I slowly made my way to him. The car light was shining on me and he saw me. He stood up and from the expression on my face and the makeup running down it , he knew.

" Tell me you're fucking with me right now." I shook my head.

" No baby no. We were careful ! We used protection and everything." He yelled. I looked down.

" It's not yours , Jagi. "

Now before i continue this story , let me take you back to a month ago.

I met Jinyoul when he was hired to be my driver. We caught feelings and we started secretly dating. However , I dated him after a few weeks i spend the night with _____ . I didn't think much of that night because well , i was mad drunk and i didn't remember half of it. Everything was a blur then. But the day Jungkook asked me to be his date to this event which later he found another date ( A whole other story ), i saw my last call before Jungkook and sure enough it was ____ .

So now that takes us to now.

" I'm sorry , did you just say it's not mine ? You cheated on me ? Well that's fucking fantastic." He says with anger . Tears formed at his eyes.

" I didn't cheat on you idiot ! This was before you and me started dating. It was a one night stand. " I explained.

" Well , that doesn't make it better Y/N ! " well obviously not dipshit but i have to defend myself before you blow up thinking i'm cheating on you.

We sat in silence in the car after that. I went out of the car and started balling my eyes out again.

" Just tell me one thing , who is the father ? " His voice came from behind me. I turn to look at him.

" It's- "

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now