chapter 16

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Kai's pov :

I heard one by one as my members phone's were blowing up with notifications , including mine. We looked at each other , confused. Notification after notification flooded our phones non stop. Okay , what the fuck ? I looked at the notifications from news channels and I felt numb. Y/N is on the news ?

" What bullshit is this ? " I asked , confused. " Secret sister of Mark Tuan from GOT7 ? " Then it hit me. Of course , she told me this before , she never wanted the spotlight. This is not right , she wouldn't just expose herself like that then. Someone else did. All the members looked as shock as can be.

" W-What ? " I hear Suho question. In one second , the whole room no longer felt comfortable , it felt tense.

I then got a call , from the queen herself.

" Hello , darling ? " I answered and question. All my members rolled their eyes at me. Yeah , I may be a little delusional to call Y/N that but I don't care. She's mine and I'll make her mine , somehow.

" Kai , Did you tell anybody , anybody  that I was Mark's sister ? " She didn't greet me back. She was angry and filled with rage. He voice says it all. She's trying to he calm but she's somehow failing.

" No , of course not , babe. Why would I do that ? " I assured her. In times like these , when her world is falling apart , still treat her like a Queen.

" Fuck , t-then who did !? " I hear her voice crack before I hear a loud bang. I hear her screaming at Mark and everyone else that was in the room with her. I looked at the members. Baekhyun , gestured his head towards the door. I smile and nodded. I ran out of the building and straight to my car.

Wait for me , Y/N.


Jimin's pov :

I didn't know what to think. My ex girlfriend is on the news and is being accused of having an affair with many idols before and many other horrendous things. What am I supposed to think. Scratch that , I can't even think. When she called Bang Pd Nim this morning , She was so outrage. It was the most maddest side of her I've seen and it's not even her maximum yet. She's like a ticking bomb but instead of a clock counting its way down to explode , it's her emotions. She wasn't fragile like a flower , She was fragile like a bomb.

I know why she was so secretive. After all , I was a her bestfriend and boyfriend once. I mean , I'm still her bestfriend and she'll always be mine as well but as to why she never wanted to ever be recognised in the media is dark and disturbing. As a kid , Y/N had many traumatic accidents happen to her. She lost me , she saw me there , bleeding out , of course she wouldn't tell anyone that. It was too painful to relive. She blames herself for what happened to me. Everyday. She does. She was almost met with death multiple times. She was bullied. Bullied out of her mind. Emotionally , mentally and physically , she was bullied everyday. Who was her bully ? Herself. She went into a state of depression at a really young age.

[ Warning : If you are uncomfortable talking or reading about depression , anxiety , molestation , please skip this part loves ]

She was anxious alot and she couldn't sleep most of the time but the most damaging story that I have heard her tell me , while she was crying , in pain because the memory Jabs her a little when she tells it. She was taken advantage of when she was going by someone who was up in the media. It was her Dad's friend. Y/N didn't always shut people out when making new friends , she welcomed them.

No , he didn't force an entry on her but he did touch her. He touched my baby. She couldn't tell anyone , she felt trapped. She felt like she couldn't let anyone in after that. She only trusted me. I promise I wouldn't hurt her but look , I did. I hate myself for that.
That memory , That fear , grew bigger and and stronger day by day. I could see it. How does she cope with it ? She doesn't. She can explode any minute but she has so much patience for people. So much love in her heart. My baby , is a badass Bitch but what made her become this amazing human being , is herself.

That is why , her face being leaked on all media outlets drove her crazy. She wasn't scared , she was terrified.

I was already there is the apartment with her. I saw the look she gave me and Bang Pd Nim , she was about to explode.

" Y/N , I need you to breathe , sweetie. You need to calm down. " I said calmly to her. She brought me to her room and shut the door. We sat on the bed and she looked at me , tears filling her eyes.

" Jimin, he knows where I am now. He knows how to reach me. He knows. What am I supposed to do-" She's panicking. She's anxious. I always know where she keeps her anxiety pills , it was always in the lower drawer of her bed table. It will always be there. She told me. I took it out and gave her one. I put it back in the drawer and and sat by her. She took the pill and drank some water. She was shaking. I hugged her and stroked he hair.

" It's okay , you're okay. It's going to be okay. Honey , it's going to be fine. Breathe in and out. " I said , calming her down.

" Jimin , he's coming for me. I just know it."

A/N : hola , amigos. This was a difficult one to write. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I haven't had Kai / Jimin Pov in a while so why not ? Please take care of yourself during quarantine :)

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now