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Y/n took played with her glass twirling it in her fingers. "Because, there won't be much to recognize once I'm done here." She said. "Done?" A new woman voice answered appearing next to Y/n. White hair a red X over a eye grey skin. "Yes. Done, I feel like helping little ol' Charlie in this place." Y/n answered admiring her nails. Charlie walked over sitting in a chair. "You want to help?" Charlie asked surprised. "Yeah! Sure I do! I've got nothing to do, nowhere to go, so why not?" Y/n joked chuckling "That's amazing you could be a waiter!" Charlie smiled excitedly "Hey wait- Charlie we can't just recruit anyone here!! We don't even know her name." The grey skinned demon girl argued. "Y/n L/n, now you do" Y/n said looking at the demon girl next to her narrowing her eyes. "Come on Vaggie... we need more employees!" Charlie pleaded doing a puppy dog face.

Doesn't this remind you of your old gang?

Oh those sweethearts falling down like bowling pins..


Y/n's neck hair stood up. Remembering how she died. She let out a breath. "If it's too much I don't have to be an employee." Y/n said kindly. "Thank god, we get to keep the first customer." Vaggie said. "Oh for fucks sake." Husk hissed looking at a empty booze bottle. "I ran outta cheap booze, hey Y/n since you want to help oh so much why don't ya go get me some more booze." Husk sarcastically said. Giving Y/n a bored, tired look. "I'm not a- "Well then, go get it errand girl!" Alastor cut Y/n off. Her eye twitched and she looked at him. "I'm not a errand girl, venison." Y/n hissed glaring at him. "Sure sounds like it, wurp." Alastor hissed "Go chase yourself!" Y/n said taking the money for the booze from Husk's hand and leaving. "I've barely been a few minutes with him and I have a earful!" She grumbled rolling her eyes. Y/n walked around and saw a cheap store. She walked over opening the door with her foot and strutting in. 

Y/n didn't even look at the cashier she just took the booze and left. She heard yells and started walking faster she looked back to see a demon with a gun! Y/n only smiled turning around and walking towards the demon. "You didn't pay!" It yelled pointing it's gun to her head. "I missed the smell of metal. The cold hard gun against my temple." She said yanking the gun out of it's hand. "Thanks for the present hon'" She thanked knocking him out with the gun. Y/n walked back to the hotel opening the door. "Guess who?" She joked walking in with the money a bottle of booze and a fresh gun sitting in her dress. Y/n strutted to the bar putting down the bottle of booze. "Took you long enough." Alastor grumbled unhappy that the other murderer is back. "Only one bottle?" Husk asked grumpy. "What? Need another one so I could smash it on your head or something? You only gave me enough for one." Y/n said sitting down.  A slutty looking spider looked at Y/n with a interested look.

"Who're you?" He asked "Y/n" She answered "Y/n L/n? Didn't you tell some demons that you were gonna take down A-" "Don't talk about rumors like that or I'll wear your spine like a belt." Y/n hissed narrowing her eyes before smiling sweetly again "Any other questions?" She chuckled.

"Didn't you have smaller bubs?"

Y/n's eyes widened her face went red "No! They were always big! Why the hell are you even looking there?" She asked overwhelmed "Well I had to dress up as you once to turn on some guy. Not fun." He answered "The fuck? How'd you all know about me before I died?" She asked "Well you started killing a lot so you were broadcasted throughout hell. You're wanted in Mafias, Cults, lots of shit since you gained so much popularity!" The spider said. "Well damn, didn't know it was gonna be like this in hell." Y/n said "Name's Angel." The spider said.

Didn't he have a strip club?

Why didn't I get a request to join a cult or mafia?

Does nobody know I'm here yet?

Didn't my gang die?

Where's my gang?

Why didn't-

"I need to do something." Y/n said standing up.  Having the look focused now "If anyone needs me tell 'em to wait for the show!" She said waving to Angel. Y/n left in a hurry, taking out her gun. "If I'm gonna take Alastor down, I'm gonna want my gang."

"Didn't the look in her eye change once I said that?"

"Why didn't you?" husk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now