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Y/n looked at her bees mentally yelling at them to back off. "Y/n?" Husk called waving his hand in front of her face Y/n snapped back "Yes?" She said "You've been staring at the same spot those bees were for 5 minutes" Husk said leaning his head on his hand. "Jenkins said you made them- are you from the steam punk era or something?" He asked drinking some cheap booze. "Fuck no I'm from the fucking ice age- Of course I'm not from the steam punk era!" Y/n laughed. "I gotta go Husker- don't wait in bed too long~" Y/n flirted "Don't fucking try to be that spider slut Y/n you're better than that." Husk hissed his face pink. Y/n nodded waving as she went out of the hotel. Y/n strolled through the street. Y/n went to a bar sitting down and drinking.

and drinking

and drinking

a n d  d r i n k i n g. . . 

Y/n giggled to herself drunk it might've been 7pm by that time. A demon went up to her with a fuckboy look "Well Hello pretty lady~" He greeted sitting next to her "Hello random person" Y/n greeted putting down another empty shot glass. "What's a girl like you doing here in a stank bar?" He asked "Getting drunk. Anymore questions?" Y/n asked getting sassy. "I'm Guendi. What about you?" He asked "Y/n" She said chuckling "Well you're really pretty Y/n~" He flirted winking "Honey, if I was really pretty my table would be surrounded by fuckboys" Y/n said "I mean true, but they wouldn't be catching your attention would they?" Guendi said chuckling. "Nah they wouldn't" Y/n responded she felt comfortable with this guy but-something in her gut told her to fucking bash his brains in. "Let's bust this joint shall we?" He said standing up and holding out a hand "Ohoho you're like the light of my "life"" Y/n joked making air quotes before grabbing his hand. They walked out of the bar then suddenly the seductive demon pinned her to the wall of a alleyway "Now let's have some fun." He snarled Y/n widened her eyes- she might be drunk but that doesn't mean she won't fight. Guendi tried kissing her she avoided it only ended him up in kissing her cheek he start to try and find her sweet spot on her neck. Y/n looked around and saw a bat she smiled evilly before turning it around and pinning him to the wall arms above his "Darling, I think I'll be the dominant one here." She said her foot shoving the bat next to her. Y/n slid down sexually acting as if she was about to give him a BJ Y/n then took the bat in one of her hands kicking him into the wall "Do you actually think I'm that much of a moron?!" She growled smiling Guendi only looked at her and faked innocence. "What do you mean honey, you are only in there dressed like that for a good time slut."  He said flirting again he then noticed the bat and shrank in fear.

"Hey... what are you gonna do with that?"Guendi snarled snatching it from Y/n. Y/n growled she was drunk but she'll fight him-even without any weapons her eyes glowed white again her horns flashing red her hair floated Guendi turned his back facing the opening of the alleyway "I'm not gonna hurt you-""Stay the fuck away from me!" Guendi said swinging the bat Y/n smiled "Guendi, darling, light of my life!" She exclaimed with a fake loving smile watching him slightly relax "I'm not gonna hurt you, you didn't let me finish my sentence!" She said smiling as she chuckled Guendi only kept swinging the bat walking backwards as Y/n walked forwards "I said, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just gonna bash your brains in" She snarled with an evil smile Guendi shook at her crazed happy look. "I'm gonna bash them right the fuck in!" She said giggling and smiling "Get away from me!" Guendi yelled Y/n frowned her voice getting serious "Stop swinging the bat." She demanded "Put the bat down, Guendi" Y/n bellowed slowly getting the crazed smile back "Give me the bat" She said lowly as she glared smiling as she made the 'come on' hands towards him. Y/n snatched the bat quickly hitting him in the head with it "Home-run!" Y/n yelled laughing she laughed and said other things as she bashed his head watching his brains come out and black blood splattering everywhere.

"I think I'm gonna keep the bat- Thanks Guendi!" She said at the passed out demon. Y/n strolled away her eyes still white and her horns flashing with adrenaline "Oooo- that really pumped me up! I really feel like murdering a few more things!" She said about to swing at someone before remembering about the hotel. "Shit! I've been out all day" She cussed under her breath as she ran quickly to the hotel. Y/n panted slamming the door open. Everyone jumped minus Alastor snapping their heads towards her "Boss! Where the hell have you been? Why are you covered in blood? Do you have any injuries?" Tina scrambled asking questions going in circles around her boss. "I'm fine Tina thank you," Y/n said nodding then held her head in pain "Fucking- why am I getting a hangover now?" She grumbled Y/n walked to the couch and laid down still panting. Husk went over "Y/n? What the fuck happened to you?" He asked he had a angry look but he was concerned "Fuckboy- tried to-"Y/n yawned in the middle of her sentence Clem sighed pinching the bridge of her nose "Again? Y/n I told you that mens are just comin' at ya for your body!" Clem grumbled sitting Y/n up "At least I got a free bat out of it!" Y/n joked looking upwards as she laughed Husk took the bat from her and grabbed her hand dragging her with him "Yeah, fuck no you're gonna go to bed." He said furious. Husk stomped over to her room kicking the door open and taking her coat. He laid her on the bed "Husk~ At least take me out to dinner first!" Y/n flirted giggling "Uh- we weren't gonna- oh fucking nevermind." He sighed petting her head "Just get some rest sweetheart.." He said looking at her with concern Y/n's eyes widened that was the first time she'd ever seen him convey any other emotion other than grumpy. 

Y/n smiled caressing his cheek "I will darling.." She said smiling softly looking into his eyes. Husk sighed holding her hand that was on his cheek he nodded putting her hand next to her and leaving turning the light off and closing the door. Husk left the bat with Jenkins he sighed sitting at the bar drinking more cheap booze he'd been worried for Y/n ever since she left for over 2 hours he couldn't look for her though he couldn't leave his post.

My feelings are always fucked around her...

(yes! meet the story's villian! thought it was Alastor? hell no! it's Guendi! you'll see what happens with you and Alastor in a few chaps :D

and no- nothing weird ;-;)

(also i have decided you will be a switch! thanks for commenting on the a/n (that'll be deleted)

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