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Y/n woke up blinking slowly. "I don't wanna move..." She mumbled lazily. Y/n looked over at the board filled with plans and everything to know about the Radio Demon she groaned and got up. She tiredly stumbled over to the bathroom and took a shower. Once Y/n got out she pondered on what to wear today. 

"How about... some jeans with a red skin tight body suit?" Y/n took it out and "modeled in front of the mirror. "Nah, too casual" She mumbled putting it back. Y/n took out a black skirt overall and a red sweater with black stripes. She sighed "Also casual." Y/n groaned "Don't I have anything formal??" She complained. Y/n took out a red Bailey set (short top and short skirt) that might've looked fancier with her fur coat on. She laid her idea on her bed. "There we go!" Y/n smiled putting on her outfit. Y/n walked over to her vanity and sat down turning on the light bulbs that framed the mirror. Bee4 woke up buzzing happily in seeing her creator. "Good morning 4" Y/n said smiling softly as she applied her make-up.

"I'm going for a sexy look today" Y/n said looking at her Bee and winking playfully. The mechanical bee buzzed and fell asleep once again on the cushion on Y/n's vanity. Y/n brushed her hair leaving it soft and shiny. She got some red lipstick and put that on. Y/n finished her make-up quickly. Smiling she stood up she looked over at her board. Y/n sighed "Let's get this over with quick" She said and wrote everything about Alastor on the board. She then thought about the board minimizing as her head got light it minimized.

Y/n then placed the tiny version of the board in a drawer in her vanity. Y/n packed on a gun some money and hid it in her inner pockets in her fur coat. "Now off to start the day!" She said not realizing that when she opened the door all four bees flew out. Y/n hummed sweet melodies as she walked towards the elevator opening it and pressing the button as she went down. The elevator stopped and Alastor walked in.

Y/n sighed not wanting to deal with Alastor's bullshit. "Good morning Alastor" Y/n said "Good morning errand girl." Alastor said glaring at her "I'm not a errand girl, venison." Y/n grumbled already getting pre-pissed.  "Well it sure looked like it yesterday." He retorted Y/n flipped him off as the elevator dinged they both stepped out. Y/n immediately walked over to the bar already seeing Husk with drinks. "Good morning Husk" She greeted "Good morning or whatever" Husk responded playing with the bees. Y/n's eyes slightly widened as she looked at her bees. She sat on a bar stool. "Where'd you get the bees?" She asked slightly glaring at the bees in flustered. "I don't know- they just appear out of nowhere! They're really fucking cute too" Husk responded Bee4 sat on Y/n's head buzzing happily. "Well- they're not that cute" Y/n's eyebrow twitched as she got jealous.

(sorry that i made this chapter short- I'm mostly coming up with things as it goes- but their will be lots of flirting next chapter ;) stay tuned!)

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