-oh wait it's almost show time!

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(Y/n) brushed her hair her eyes glaring at them-self through her vanity mirror. "You won't kill him, you said...'No I won't kill you or something!' you said! Why don't you become his little servant by now you idiotic little-" she started scolding herself before getting interrupted by a knock on the door. (Y/n) groaned rubbing her temples "Come in!" she called tiredly of her own bullshit.

"Hey boss.." Tina greeted gently, sensing her close friend's obvious tension. (Y/n) sighed "Hello Tina, what brings you here?" she asked, leaning her head on her hand closing her eyes as she tried to calm her irritation. "Well- I saw Alastor come out of you're room and i got bad vibes-" Tina said quickly with a nervous chuckle as she rubbed the back of her neck. (Y/n) sighed opening her eyes and turning her chair to face Tina she opened her arms "I did a stupid again." (Y/n) mumbled with a sigh. Tina smiled and tilted her head smiling sheepishly "Sorry (Y/n) but I can't really hug you while I have your dress in my arms" she mumbled.

"Would you like to uh...talk about it?" The smaller girl asked her superior. "No...I don't really even remember the conversation." The confident female lied her eyebrows furrowing. Of course she remembered the conversation, she was still making sure to make a space for it as her head scattered and scrambled with thoughts, from unrelated to not. "Tina, I wanna change the song, I want to sing with you and the others." (Y/n) mumbled bowing her head down slightly, after that happened some of her tranquility got knocked down. She needed to be calm, because if she wasn't calm (Y/n) might make irrational decisions. "Of course! I'll get Jenkins into a suit and everything!...Or at least try to." Tina nodded chuckling softly. (Y/n) put on a smile even if her current thoughts weren't to bring said smile, she'd always put one on for her gang. No matter if she was sad or not, they looked up to her, she couldn't show weakness.

"I'll change, go and get yourself nice n fancy, mkay?" (Y/n) told Tina smiling. Tina nodded with an excited smile handing the dress to (Y/n). She watched her leave her room before her smile finally dropped. (Y/n) sighed putting her face into her hands and staying there as thoughts raced through her head 'You just agreed to coexist peacefully with the man that you said you were gonna take down ,you absolutely fucking bitch.'  (Y/n) sighed before quickly lifting her head from her hands "Shit! I have make up on-" She quickly said and looked at herself in the mirror. (Y/n) groaned before smashing her fists against her vanity shaking her mirror. She ran her fingers through her hair trying to calm her rage down. "It's fine you're fine, everything's fine." she told herself quickly before picking up her small tube of liquid eyeliner. "Let's just do it again." She started to fix her makeup, her eyes watching her dress from her peripheral vision. Simple, yet a fine and fancy dress if you know how to style it. A black dress, looks to be able to hug your curves. 'Is that fabric satin?' She questioned curiously "No, I think it's silk." she mumbled and put down her makeup brush rubbing the fabric between her thumb and index fingers. "Yeah, definitely satin." (Y/n) gave herself a look in the mirror fairly dark brown matte lipstick, blush, eyeliner, eyebrows penciled in, and a bit of nude eye shadow and she was done. She nodded turning her head to check every single part. (Y/n) then got up and took off her robe.

(Y/n) started to put on her dress, thinking about what jewelry to wear. 'This definitely calls for pearls...' she thought zipping up the back of her dress herself because she's a big girl. (Y/n) opened her jewelry box, pulling up a exaggeratedly long necklace of pearls. She put it on, wrapping around her neck a two times to create the look of having more than one necklace. She put on drop earrings with a single white pearl at the end of them. (Y/n) looked at her hair and grabbed her hair brush brushing it down and letting it be. She then looked at her hands, narrowing her eyes. 'Something's missing.' the girl thought before grabbing some black elbow gloves "Hm, no." she rejected the dark gloves putting them back before using that little power presented a few chapters back. She thought of white elbow gloves and held out her hand, two pure white gloves dropping onto them, a small smile appeared on her face before putting them on. (Y/n)'s door burst open she flinched before looking back seeing Jenkins with a half buttoned polo and tie hanging around his neck "BOSS! What the hell do you mean I gotta wear a damned suit?!" Jenkins questioned with a childish annoyed look on his face, Tina's faint voice could be heard from the other end of the hallway "JENKINS GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" (Y/n) could hear her yell.

"Just put the suit on, you idiot." (Y/n) said shaking her head as her smile widened a little more. She heard footsteps and saw Tina in a small silk red dress "I thought you liked blue, butterfly?" (Y/n) teased Tina giggled sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck a suit jacket in her arms. "Well...they don't really have much of a color variety here in hell." She explained (Y/n) hummed understandingly "I keep forgetting we're already here." (Y/n) whispered before shooing them away "Go go! You have to prepare!" She urged the couple nodded one excitedly the other like a child that just got scolded. (Y/n) walked out of her room the small bees following their creator. 

She finally arrived at the lobby waving at Clem which was in a suit sitting at the bar and drinking a beer with Husk behind the counter. "You look rather ravishing madame!" Clem called out to (Y/n) teasingly, she laughed before sitting next to Clem "So do you, madame." (Y/n) replied smiling. Her friend laughed nodding, (Y/n)'s head lifted up and looked at Husk which had a distant and in-the-clouds look, staring at (Y/n) "Whatcha staring at, darling?" She said bringing the cat back to ea- well uh, hell, I guess. Husk flinched before his eyes widened and he quickly looked to the side his eyes narrowing and pouting, the grumpy personality coming back. "Nothin' you just look stupid." Husk grumbled (Y/n) laughed cockily "I didn't know you stared at stupid things, Husk. Why don't you stare at Alastor when he passes by?" She chuckled as Husk rolled his eyes.

"You know what I mean, dumb ass" Husk huffed and laid his head on the palm of his hand, his elbow resting on the sleek counter and a pout on his cat face, of course. (Y/n) gasped dramatically before putting the back of her hand to her forehead "I'm so hurt-!" She started to say sarcastically at Husk's little insult before Clem reached over grabbing a bottle of beer and stuffing it in (Y/n)'s mouth shutting her up. "Shut up lovebird, you know you like it when he gives you nicknames." Clem bluntly said Husk's cheeks went slightly pink while (Y/n)'s went red "No I don't! He just called me a dumb ass, you idiot!" The boss argued as she pulled the bottle of beer out of her mouth. Clem rolled her eyes before pushing the bottle back in "Just drink, woman." (Y/n) sighed giving in but looking away narrowing her eyes in embarrassment. 

"Now, back to convo- what were you saying Husk?" Clem turned to Husk, ready to continue the conversation "I was talking about how the hell are you guys gonna put on a little show, if this thing doesn't even have a stage?" Husk said opening another bottle of cheap booze with one hand and gulping it down. "Cat, we don't need a stage. The whole place will be our stage, including your little bar." Clem explained (Y/n) perked up wanting to hear more of what Clem had to say and casually turned her head leaning her back on Clem. Clem glanced at (Y/n) and shook her head with a smile before Husk grumbled "Oh hell no, you are not gonna use my bar as a stage, whaddya think I am some kind of clown?" Clem smile got wider and she narrowed her eyes at Husk "Precisely, but we aren't gonna use your bar like that so you'll be fine, instead think of it as a prop. We'll use it to make it more interesting." she said. Husk's eye twitched "Why you little-"

(Y/n) quickly put up a finger to Husk's mouth "Ah ah ah!...You don't get a say in this, sweetheart." She said with a cocky and bold grin. Husk glared at her, his fiery orbs burning her (e/c) wild slits. Her smile only grew. "Now now, don't get mad at me, kitten" She mumbled her voice getting lower in volume (Y/n)'s eyes focused tension increasing between the both of them. Forgetting Clem was even there, the girl stared at both of them before rolling her eyes before reaching up and flicking both of their cheeks. "Gross, save the playin' for the show." She said Husk flinched snapping out of the daze he was in. (Y/n) smirked winking at the grumpy cat before sitting back down next to Clem leaning her head on her shoulder. "My bar is not a prop" Husk huffed his furry cheeks held a tint of pinks and red but (Y/n) decided not to tease him...for now at least.

Clem sighed facepalming "We know it's not a prop but there's no easier way of explaining how we're gonna use it!" She scoffed (Y/n) chuckled, "Even if we do, it's not like you're the prop, honey." (Y/n) told him.  

"Why didn't you?" husk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now