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"Y/n who are they?" Vaggie questioned pointing her spear at the crew. Y/n's crew growled taking out their guns and weapons. "Boys, boys, pipe down." Y/n said pushing Vaggie's spear down with one finger while looking at her crew. "They, Vaggie, they are my ol' gang!" Y/n claimed smiling at her men. "Jenkins, Charles, Gerard, Clem, and Tina!" Y/n said pointing each one out. "Everyone, meet Vaggie she's the hotel owner's chica" Y/n asserted wiggling her eyebrows at Vaggie before chuckling.

"And why are they here exactly?" Alastor butted in. Y/n rolled her eyes having a resting bitch face. Without even glancing at him she answered. "Because I said so and this place needed customers no?" Alastor only glared at her before Gerard took Y/n's side. "Is this guy botherin' ya boss?" He said roughly. 


He may seem big and tough but he's soft at heart- and he gets distracted easily by good looking men. He's got bull horns ,a mean face ,ripped jeans ,a black shirt with chains all around him.

Emphasis on good looking.

"No Gerard, he's just being a bitch to get on your nerves. Aren't you, venison?" Y/n hissed looking back at Alastor. 'Not inside.' her inaudible lips read. Alastor only glared before going back to his "cheery self".  Y/n rolled her eyes. Husk walked into the bar "Wow, didn't know Jessica Rabbit here was such a slut." He uttered grumpily head on one hand looking at Y/n. Y/n only looked at him and smirked "I haven't slept with any of them, they're my gang, kitten."

"Why you little-" "Aww, is that the house pet?" Jenkins said putting is elbow on my shoulder and leaning on his palm.


Jenkins! The second tallest of the group might be weak looking but he used to get Intel and hack into the technology around the place. He's with Tina, they are such an adorable couple. He does get sassy though, and that almost landed him dead quite a few times. He has a coat just like Sherlock Holmes he actually looks more like a detective than himself! He doesn't have horns but his eyes are basically binary code.

"Jenkins, be nice" Y/n scolded "You will only call him Husk." She said hearing Husk shooting insults at the lanky man next to her. Jenkins' eye twitched "Jenkins, don't lash out at him- you did just call him house pet." Tina said pulling back at where the others stood at.


Tina was the sweetheart of the group. She's also a doctor! She's just the greatest when it comes to an emergency. She has long hair with highlights here and there she has her lab coat and comfy sweaters and leggings on under the coat. 

"Thank you Tina," Y/n said sitting in front of Husk. "Can you bring me a beer please Husk?" Y/n asked Husk only huffed and looked somewhere else ignoring her. "Oh kitty, don't be mad please, the gang always gets like that around new people." She said softly Husk only huffed "Can't stay mad at you can he boss?" Clem asked sitting down next to the fancy gal. "I hope he doesn't," Y/n said looking at him softly.


Clem is a noticeable creeper but she's cool. She's the one that could disguise you so well it'd be like killing you and having another person take your place. She has curly short hair a little tooth gap in the middle of her teeth. She has swirls in her eyes and she wore a black polo shirt with sleeves rolled up black slacks and a long drop earring it looked beautiful on her. 

"Please kitty, don't be mad." Y/n said she hid it well but she really wanted his attention back on her. Did Y/n know why? Hell no! Of course not. She just wanted it and will get it. Even if she had to kill for it..

'Did I seriously just think that?' She thought before she pleaded again "Oh come on Husk! We gotta at least be buds no?" Husk rolled his eyes "We met yesterday." He snarled pulling out a beer. "Wouldn't that be enough to be buds?" Clem asked. "Maybe." Husk uttered. 

"See? He's my bud!" Y/n said emphasizing on my as she looked at Clem with a protective glare.Clem got up calling Charles "Aye yo fatso! Want anything?" She asked "A cigarette that's what." Charles responded with a strict tone.


Charles is the guns-man in the group he makes and buys them for the crew. He has his brown slacks on with suspenders. He has horns sprouting upwards from his head. 

"You can't smoke here Charles" Y/n said "Why the fuck not?" He snarled now grumpy at the new rule. "Because this is a rehab hotel." Husk explained rolling his eyes giving Y/n her beer. "Thank you darling" Y/n said "Don't call me that doll-face." He retorted. Clem and Charles laughed "How the hell did you end up here?" Clem asked "Come on Boss, this place is a joke!" Charles said. Y/n snarled at both at them glaring with a dark stare. "Because, I want to help." She explained batting her eyes with sass.

Her gang laughed. "Shut your yaps or I'll murder each one of you and turn you into dog food!" Y/n yelled at them loosing her temper her hair floating up as her eyes went completely white her horns flashing a glowing red. The gang shook pleading for their life. She sighed going to her normal state as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "I swear to god. You idiots make me wanna start my bone collection again" She hissed the crew shivered. "Boss, please don't" Jenkins said in disgust remember the room with bones of each important person she'd murder. Y/n stayed silent turning to Husk mumbling a sorry and finishing her beer. "You all check-in with Charlie. If I hear any of your yapping I'll be coming for all you of you. Got it?"Y/n glared at her crew clearly pissed by her icy look.

Y/n got up and left leaving the crew and Husk behind and locked herself in her room. "Those fools! Embarrassing me in front of Husk!" She grumbled. She sat on her bed sighing before laying down like a starfish.

"They're one of the most important thing to me."

"But is it pissing me off when they do anything wrong to him?"

"Why didn't you?" husk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now