-OKAY! It's time!

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Y/n's eyes scanned Husk as he processed what she said "Then what do you mean you're gonna use my fuckin' bar as a prop!" Husk asked the psycho beauty sitting on the stool in front of him the only thing separating them being the counter. "You're an idiot-" Clem starts before Husk quickly cuts her off "You're the idiot for not being able to explain correctly! It most likely means that you group of bitchasses have no idea what you're gonna do!" He fumed his paws gripping the table. Y/n's smile grew before saying slyly "Guess you'll have to wait and find out, kittycat." She winks before standing up and turning away from them confidently walking away to past Tina and Charles were at Tina was half-listening into the conversation.

"Do you really know what we're gonna do boss?" Tina asked Y/n stopping her in her tracks, being quiet. Y/n chuckled, her eyes carefree "Not a thought!" She answers before continuing her walk leaving Tina with her mouth open, it's not the first time her boss does something without a plan, but they're in hell now there's no point of rest in hell. Tina turned around about to call Y/n before Charles stopped her "Tina, it's gonna be fine. That psycho always has some divinity up her sleeves." He grumbled patting her shoulder a toothpick in his mouth considering he wasn't allowed to smoke anymore. "Yeah but we're in hell now! Maybe she could've gotten away with it in Earth because not everyone would know. In here once you do something everyone knows! If she pulls something absolutely bat-shit crazy that could endanger all of us. And we don't even have our weapons here! We used to have a whole fucking arsenal and a plane but it's not like-" Tina got cut short of her rambling when Charles took the toothpick and pricked her shoulder "Shut up already, it's gonna be fine." Charles growls lowly.

Tina sighed hysterically. "She just worries me, y'know?" she says quietly Charles nods "She worries all of us." He said just as quietly. Y/n skipped around town looking at all the buildings before looking into a shop with window presenting their items, beautiful, graceful, and almost angelic for hell. "Weapons..." Y/n whispered looking at the deadly machines and tools like a little toddler who just saw Santa Claus.  The girl with perfectly shaped horns and protruded from her head to make an oval shape with each other on top of her head entered the shop, a sweetly sick smile on her face. "Well, good noon." she greets the cashier, the cashier reader a newspaper pulls down their glasses a bit and examines Y/n. "Just shut the fuck up and get somethin' to buy, toots." they respond poisonously. Y/n eyebrow twitched and she walked up to the counter pulling out her bat "Goodnight!" She says chuckling and hits them straight on the head with the bat. The cashier groaned stumbling, but not knocked out like she wanted them to be. So she jumped over the counter swiftly and hit them again watching them gain a new bruise and bleed out of their nose "Good boy" she says quietly. Y/n grabs the weapons delightedly and starts to head back.

She opens the doors to the hotel silence commencing as the poor souls in there noticed her presence. "Where the fuck have you been?" Charles asked leaning against a pillar with a irritated look on his face. Y/n smiled happily and paraded around the lobby with a big sack carried on her back. "Whaddya bring, dog." Husk asked then, glaring at the red sack on the psychotic girl's back. "Shshshshsh! Do not ask questions that I will obviously answer with one look of the inside of this sack, it'll waste my breath." She said holding up a finger to her lips before putting down the sack and opening it for everyone to see.  

Charles immediately puckered up to the inside of the sack smooching the a gun "Oh boss, you absolute angel! Where did you get these?" He asked basically falling into the seduction of the iron weapons. "Nowhere." Y/n responds smiling. "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Vaggie yells from another room stomping over "Y/n you KNOW weapons aren't allowed in the hotel! Go put them back." She orders glaring at Y/n. The h/c girl sighed putting a hand on her hip "After all this work I did to get them? Fuck no! They aren't even going to be used as guns." Y/n explains flipping her hair confidently. Charles looks at Y/n with a suspicious glare from behind the opening of the sack, "What are you going to do to these babies?" He growled hugging a gun tighter. Tina trekked quickly towards the sack grabbing it closed looking at Y/n with a knowing smile "You'll have to wait and see!" she said chuckling softly. Y/n nodded "Thank you. Tina, go put the sack in my room please." She orders, but quiets quickly when she already saw her close subject going up the stairs. 

Time Skip the evening nears...

Y/n listens down at the chatter of poor unfortunate souls downstairs as she waits at the top of the stairs, hidden from view. She hums and starts to trek down in a beautiful red dress with a fur lined coat hanging at her elbows, looking like an absolute evil beauty. Knowing she'd captured the gaze of the dead inside the hotel. Her glossy lips part and she starts her symphony "Guess mine is not the first heart broken..." she kneels slightly leaning against the railing of the stairs pulling the back of her hand to her forehead for a dramatic pose. "...My eyes are not the first to cry..." she quickly gets up from the pose walking down the stairs enchantingly as she sang "I'm not the first to know, there's just no getting over you..." Y/n wandered around the tables leaving soft touches to some demons here and there making sure the attention's on her. "I know I'm just a fool who's willing-" She sits on a female demon's lap smiling innocently and taking her by the chin gently forcing eye contact "To sit around, and wait for you but baby, can't you see there's nothing else for me to do?" Y/n gets up sauntering away "I'm hopelessly devoted you...but now..." She smirks looking towards the bar her eyes piercing into the feline behind the counter as she got to the chorus "There's nowhere to hide since you pushed-!" Her hand moves to her side in a push to the side manner and brings it back to her chest closing it into a fist "My love aside!" She puts her hands on her cheeks "I'm out of my head" she sang as her hands went slowly down her body showing off her curves. "Hopelessly devoted to you!" she sang striding towards the bar quickly with boldness and leaning over it "Hopelessly devoted to you..." she grabbed his chin getting up nice and close her eyes not daring to take a glance off his. Watching his gaze go down to her lips "Hopelessly devoted to you.." she sang.

That's all the author is gonna write about the show because goddamn does she need to now dance to this song again.

"Why didn't you?" husk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now