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After all of that, Y/n went up to Charlie with a fun idea for the hotel. "Miss Charlie-" Y/n started before getting cut off "No need for formalities Y/n" Charlie said with a sweet smile. Y/n nodded "Well Charlie, I wanted to ask why not hold a party, or more of a concert?" Y/n proposed her idea casually "They might take us more of party people than a actual respectful organization" Charlie countered Y/n laid a playful but convincing smile. "But it'd bring people to the Hotel, and it won't make us look like a night club." Y/n said smoothly Charlie quieted thinking before sighing with a smile and shrugging softly. "I guess one concert wouldn't hurt, you'd have to find someone to play though." Charlie explained "I can fill up that position just fine." Y/n said with a light chuckle. Y/n used to sing with Clem and Tina and you we're pretty sure Jenkins still knew how to play guitar...probably not 'Jenkins is a stubborn pussy anyway' Y/n thought suppressing a giggle. "I'll do my best to plan everything" Y/n said smiling, she walked out of Charlie's office with a giggle. Y/n went around gathering everyone at Husk's bar she even got Alastor to listen.

"So I talked to Charlie and we decided to have a concert here in the hotel, to bring people in of course." Y/n explained shortly. "Nifty since you like to keep the place all neat, mind being the girl of decorations? Gerard and Clem can help you with that." Y/n said with a smile. "Jenkins, Tina you two make fliers and spread 'em around make-outs." Y/n narrowed her eyes knowing their bad habit of doing the nasty in the middle of a job. "No promises." Jenkins muttered smugly. "Husk you'll obviously be with the food and drinks." Y/n said with a wink thrown at him "Vaggie could welcome the guests and be the bodyguard." Y/n continued "Alastor you could bring supplies with your teleportation powers." Y/n finished Y/n received agrees from the souls in front of her.

"Who'll be up on stage though?" Vaggie asked "Me" Y/n said "Of course you are, arrogant shit turd." Jenkins grumbled rolling his eyes Y/n glared at Jenkins "Save it, Pinocchio I woke up in a good mood don't fuck it up for yourself." Y/n barked before looking back at everyone "Well let's get this party started." She said with a nod. Everyone walked away starting to do their jobs. Y/n was slightly on edge about how Alastor and Husk complied to do this so easily. 

"Whatever I'll just have fun and tune the guitar I have.."

"Why didn't you?" husk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now