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Y/n saw some studio. "Like a news studio?" She mumbled. Y/n snarled as she smiled evilly "I got mean idea and I'm sure they'll like it."

Y/n walked in going to the first room she saw on air. She kicked the door and shot the reporters. Y/n glared at the crews-man "Record me. Now." She commanded walking over to the table her heels clicking. "Those two aren't dead sadly." She said kicking them to the side. Y/n looked at the camera smiling with a crazed look. "Make sure this is showing everywhere will ya? Hello everyone. As not many of you have heard me, Y/n L/n has finally come down to hell. Now as one of the first things I'll do here is gather my gang. If you see them, run. If you are my gang, hurt anyone and everyone, and target the Radio Demon or any other high authorities. If we're gonna stay here let's make it fun!" She said

Y/n then shot the camera and the crews-man. She walked out smiling like a sweet heart walking back to the hotel. Y/n opened the door. "What the fuck did you just cause?!" Vaggie spit out pointing her spear at Y/n "I thought you wanted to help!" She snarled. "I am! I'm technically bringing more people no?" Y/n said pushing the spear away and sitting down at the bar. "Hey Husk! Get me a vodka bottle won't cha?" She said cheerfully looking at him "Not until you explain what the fuck you did. Also you mean shot." Husk said lean on his hand. "Well I'm gathering my gang! And if you didn't watch my life since it was everywhere we like to make meeting up fun!-" Y/n explained looking at him. She then placed both of her hands on the counter getting in his face to the point where their noses are touching. Y/n gave him a flirty look "And I meant bottle" She muttered lowly reaching from behind him getting a bottle of the sweet amazing liquor.

Y/n sat back down leaving Husk paralyzed in not confusion but something else. Y/n suddenly got a scent a familiar scent. She took a swig of vodka "Here comes one now!" Y/n heard the patter of footsteps. "Or more?" She questioned.

"Boss! We thought we'd never see your crazy ass again!"

"Jenkins! There you are mate!"

"Why didn't you?" husk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now