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Y/n sighed her glowing (e/c) irises glaring around her room.

She got up sitting up straight with her back on the pillows. "I'm gonna need to start planning if I want little venison out of the game nice and quick." Y/n twirled a strand of her hair in her fingers. Y/n looked down at her fancy attire. "I'm gonna want something more comfortable to plan in." She mumbled. "Now let's see if we can make things pop up outta nowhere!" She smiled thinking of outfits in her closet. Y/n opened her closet doors to see them there she then felt lightheaded. "Okay, so it works but it has a side effect, I'll have to write that down." She whispered. Y/n grabbed a pair of baggy sweatpants a tank top and some soft fuzzy socks. As much as she loved looking fancy and ready-to-go she also loved comfort. Y/n quickly got her hair in a bun pulling out a few strands that were too tight and framed her face with them.

"Now, let's get on with it." Y/n said with a evil and determined look "Let's first get a pin board for all of this." She uttered quickly making a big pin board on wheel appear in her room a tray of pins, string, paper, markers,and pens. Flew next to her. "Now as much research as I'll need let's start with the basics." Y/n said taking a marker. "We'll start with his dislikes." She whispered. Y/n glanced at her door, she placed her marker on the table and made sure her door was locked. She looked around her room for any radios from Alastor's time zone. She took a few and chucked them out her window. "As much as I love your time period's music Alastor, I'm not taking any risks." She whispered she then made sure there weren't any shadows in her apartment. Lighting sweet candles and turning on lights. "Zero, risks." She hissed softly.

Y/n sniffed the sweet vanilla aroma with cinnamon. Sighing in content she grabbed the marker once again from her floating tray. "Now we can start!" She uttered happily Y/n kept her voice low in case the walls were thin and people could hear her. She took a few mechanical bees from her fur coat's pockets back in the closet. Winding the bees up she gave them orders. "Bee1 spy on Alastor, Bee2 and Bee3 go keep an eye on the crew." She ordered the bees flying out her window she looked at the fourth bee. "Bee4.." She started thinking of a command to give the little piece of metal. Y/n's face went red as she whispered her command to Bee4. The bee buzzed in happiness and went zooming out her key lock. 

"They better be doing a good job or our plan might as well be dog shit."

Meanwhile with the mechanical bees..

Bee1 buzzed silently following Alastor and gathering info. Codes and info and scanning went through it's robotic eyes. Alastor felt like he was being watch so he constantly was taking glances here and there. Bee1 got close to him enough to get a blood sample. Bee1's needle coming from it's stinger quickly pinched him taking some blood. The bee quickly disconnected from the demon noticing that he felt it as he turned around the bee turned with him now as he looked behind him seeing nothing the bee rapidly flew away to look for it's co-workers.

Bee2 and Bee3 were flying through the gang. They ended up seeing that Jenkins and Charles were drunk and immediately started pricking them with their stingers. Jenkins and Charles cursed "What the fuck?!" He snarled then noticing the familiar bee glares. "Oh shit- Jenkins we might have a problem here." Charles said sweating a little as he nervously looked at the bees "Well for fucks sake I don't care Charles these bees can't do serious harm to us you dim wit!" Jenkins retorted drinking more beer. The bees glared at him Bee1 coming in and pointing it's stinger at his eye. Jenkins pulled his head back in fear. "It ain't our fault we're drunk! Blame the stupid bartender for letting us have fun" Jenkins accused pointing at Husk. Husk glared at Jenkins "Me? Why in the world's fuck would it be my fault? You're the ones paying me!" He snarled. Bee4 layed on his head discreetly Bee1 looked at Bee4 questioningly and sent buzzes in morse code to it.

Bee4 buzzed back seeming happy with her orders. Bee1 seemed surprise and nodded the bee buzzed at the other bees and flew back to Y/n's apartment. Bee2 and Bee3 kept the gang in check but Bee3 ended up being dressed up by Tina. Bee2 and 3 flew back to the apartment Bee4 however, stayed with Husk until it was late Bee4 and Husk bonded becoming friends. Bee4 buzzed at Husk as goodbye before leaving Husk only nodded cleaning a shot glass.

"So you've all returned! Great!" Y/n said happily fresh out of the shower she tried doing a braid on her hair. "Mind helping me braid my hair?" The bees buzzed as they helped the demon girl braid her hair. Once they finished Bee1 being the most serious of the bees snatched a paper from the floating tray that had been there since earlier in the day and started writing down everything he got about Alastor. Bee1 finished and Bee2 snatched the paper flying over to Y/n showing her Bee1 buzzed angrily at Bee2 as it chased the other. "Did you get a blood sample 1?" Y/n asked Bee1 quickly went up in front of her a small valve with a cork keeping it shut Y/n took it, it was the size of a quarter she looked at the black blood in it. "3 do you mind taking this to Tina tell her to inspect it. I wanna know what the hell is that demon. What makes him so powerful." She said giving it to the other bee "Thank you 1. You may go sleep now" Y/n said smiling. Bee1 only took a glance at her coat before looking back at her.

Bee1 made itself look like Husk a little then looked at her with a questioning glare. "What? I just wanted 4 to keep an eye on him" Y/n said smiling as she adverted her gaze. Bee4 buzzed happily writing down everything that happened in her time hanging out with Husk. Y/n took the paper quickly reading. She awed at some points then glared at the paper. "Jenkins and Charles got drunk?  With our target in the hotel?" Y/n angrily huffed. Embarrassment crawled up on to her face "They must've made so many embarrassing comments..." She uttered disappointed  before her eyes widened "What if they were about me?!" Y/n worried anxiously before the bees that were awake calmed her down. "Okay, we'll write this down tomorrow. Right now, I need a nap." She said yawning. "Goodnight my tiny soldiers" Y/n whispered sweetly falling asleep. The bees rested in her soft coat unlike Bee4 that rested on a cushion on her vanity.

Our plan is going to be known for ages...

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