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Nezuko's POV

What was happening? Why does everything feel... so heavy.. this despair...

When I slowly got my focus back, I looked around.

Did a demon show up? How did they find us?

But that was when Giyyu ran into my room, his face looking worried, and beads of sweat running down his face.

I quickly got up and looked up at him, he panted as he tried to get is stamina back. 

What was he going to tell me? Why does he look so worried?

Everything surrounding me started to spin like crazy. It was like the whole world was crashing down. Was Giyyu going to announce a death? The downfall of the human race? My brothers death!

"Nezuko... you felt the malevolence surrounding us right?" Giyyu huffed, still panting. "That's not an ordinary aura.. not for a human nor a demon.." 

What was he trying to tell her? Was a monster going to terrorize the world?

Nezuko nodded. "Please tell me whats going on! Everything feels like it's crashing down!" She pleaded, voiced cracking.

When Giyyu finally caught his breath, he got Nezuko to sit down. They both had worried looks on their faces.

"As I said earlier, the aura we're feeling, it's not normal. But what's strange is.. that. Well.."

Nezuko slammed his hands onto the table, and looked Giyyu right in the eyes. "Tell me Giyyu! This could be important! Just.. please.."

The man in front of her took a deep breath. "This force is enough to defeat Muzan... but the energy doesn't seem that malevolent now that I study it. It feels like... pain.. and sorrow. It was like the burden of power was forced upon them. And this could only mean one thing.."

Nezuko's eyes widened.. there was only one answer that could possibly make sense. There was only one possible answer

But how could she tell Giyyu? How could she possibly tell him that the person sje was trying to save was a demon. She opened her mouth to speak. But Giyyu got there before she did.

"Nezuko, I need you to be honest with me. I need answers." Giyyu looked around before talking again. "I need to know Nezuko. Is you're brother a demon?"

Nezuko clenched her fists, gritting her teeth. Slowly, a dark shadow covered her eyes.

Damm it all.. he found out.

Tanjiro's POV

Ever since I woke up from my 'deep sleep' I've always felt something was wrong. But what was it?

But... did it really matter? Muzan loves me.. he's my master...

He does everyone for me, and in return, I do his biddings. There easy simple tasks, it's nothing that special. But nowadays it's too easy. I crave a proper fight.

Muzan taught me about demon slayers, and how they mercilessly kill demons, even if they did nothing wrong.

I told Muzan I would avenge us, and kill every single one of them, with my bare hands.

Muzan supported me.

Later that week, he took me to an over populated city full of humans. But not only that.

Demon slayers.

It was the biggest town in the country, it had a population of twenty two million. This was going to be fun.

2 hours later...

"Muzan, that wasn't any fun!" I whined as I raised my hands in protest. Muzan looked down at me, laughing. Why was I so short! I was perfectly mature and eat plenty. So why am I still a toddler! 

He picked my small body up, and I leaned into him. Getting cozy, I finally fell asleep.

Later, when I woke up, Muzan asked me if I wanted something to eat, since, I was one of the few who can eat human food. Although I can taste it, It won't satisfy my pallet.

I happily nodded my head as Muzan bought me a candy apple. I got chocolate all over my face.

Muzan chuckeled at how adorable Tanjiro was, he wanted this boy to be happy... and no one could get in the way, especially that pathetic sister of his.

The man wiped the chocolate off his face with a napkin, and smiled happily, tilting his face.

Tanjiro hugged deeply into the mans chest, and said. "Thank you Muzan!" He laughed in his adorable voice.

Muzan closed his eyes. 

They continued walking, but never noticed someone looking directly at them. The persons face fuming with rage.

The girls long black hair blew in the wind, as she gripped her sword tightly. Giyyu tightened his grip on her shoulders, stopping her from attacking. 

She had just seen Tanjiro a few days ago, and so much has happened.

And that man... that man... was holding my god dam, brother in his arms!

"That damm demon will pay for what he did to us!" Nezuko said with venom in her voice, not loud enough for people to hear.

And sure enough, this was only the start pf the tradigy that was going to happen.

'𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕄𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤' (Demon Tanjiro AU)Where stories live. Discover now