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Cold, yeah it was cold. It was December of course it's cold, but that wasn't going to stop Peter from patrolling. If anything it made him want to go out. There are hundreds of people on the streets of New York, mix that with freezing rain and ice cold temperatures you get frostbite, and Peter being Peter just needed to help. However, when you mix these weather conditions with one spider kid with the inability to thermoregulate and not to mention a lack of self preservation, to say it wouldn't end well would be understatement.

Peter should have known not to go out when he woke up in the morning. He felt way more sluggish than usual, he actually tripped out of bed and landed face first on the floor. Not to mention the fact he was shivering. Oh well, I've got to go or I'll be late. Despite the fact he should probably stay in bed and turn the thermostat up to 80°F (26°C), he left for school anyway.

The day passed slowly, as Peter became more and more tired. Flash was being his usual ass but not terrible, maybe he was in a good mood. Either way school sucked because he had three pop quizzes and a lab due Friday that would take anyone two weeks to complete. (Peter would finish it in one night) But at least he had patrol to look forward to right?


He had been doing fine right up until the third mugging, the suits beater had broke. So naturally he was freezing his ass off.

"Shit, It's cold Karen" sorry Steve.

"Yes it has reached a temperature of 33°F (0.5°C), would you like me to call Mr. Stark"

"Nah, I'll be fine Karen Thanks though" he replied before swinging to his left and landing in front of the bad guy. "He didn't your mother teach you not to steal" the guy just looked at him and continued to struggle with the man. "Well I guess you can ask her when you go home to her basement tonight then" he shot a web out and stuck the guys left hand to the wall. "Go quick" he called to the man.

"Thank you Spider man" he yelled behind him as he ran back to the main road.

"Now to deal with yo-" shit that hurt what was that, ah shoot I've been stabbed.

Yeah, he'd been stabbed. For some reason he didn't expect the guy to throw his knife at him. Are my spider senses not working? Shit it must be because of the cold.

"That would be correct Peter" Karen answered.

"Did I sat that out loud?"

"Yes you did, and due to your current condition I am required to update Mr Stark."

"I guess that's ok" Peter mumbled as he slid onto the ground. Ignoring the bad guy who had just run away. How'd he get out of my webbing so fast?

He sat there for a few minutes as the adrenaline wore off. Now it actually hurt, he could feel his heart beat throbbing around the stab wound in his side. He coughed which rattled his chest and the metallic taste of blood filled his mouth. He spat it out and winced.

"Kid?" That's funny it sounds like Tony's here

"Msr s-ark" he mumbled, eyes half closed. He watched the red and gold blur change into a black and grey one. "Wo-ah"

"Oh kid, I knew it was too cold today. Come on let's get you to Bruce" Tony pulled Peter into his arms and met happy at the end of the alley. "Straight to medbay Hap" Tony ordered pulling peter onto his lap and applying pressure onto the wound. Peter must have pulled the knife out.

The ride to the tower was short but it felt like forever. Peter was loosing blood by the second and by the time they reached their destination Peter was unconscious.

They rushed him inside where Bruce took him into a sterile room to stitch him up.

"He'll be fine tones he always is. He just might want to take a day or two off when it gets cold again" Bruce told Tony.

"Yeah I know the kids going to give me grey hairs"

"I think he already has"

"Hey, rude" Tony whined while playfully hitting Bruce's arm. "Can I see him now?"

"Yeah sure follow me" He smiled.

When they got to Peters room he was already awake. "I'm so sorry Tony I should've never gone out, In sorry I should've told you when the heater broke, I'm sorry"

"Kid, kid calm down it's ok I'm not mad. We'll get the heater fixed and you won't have to worry about getting too cold next time"

"Thank you Mr. Stark"

"Oh no no no, you called me Tony a moment ago there's not changing that now."

"Ok Tony" Peter laughed.
They spent the rest of Peters 'hospital' stay watching movies and eating cookies. They were going to eat Icecream but there had been enough cold that night.

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