Bloody hands

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The sound of his 7:00 Am alarm ripped peter out of his peaceful sleep and dragged him into the real world. Ugh now I have to go interact with people, he rolled out of bed and grabbed clean clothes. Tripped over his chem book on the way to the shower, and got ready. "Bye aunt May I'll see you later"

"Bye Peter, wait don't forget your breakfast" she called running to peter with a muffin and bottle of water.

"Thanks May" he said giving her a hug and heading to the bus stop. When the bus arrived he sat in his usual seat and began to eat his muffin while scrolling through Instagram. He liked a photo of Aunt Carol and Auntie Tasha before hopping off the bus and heading to his locker. He saw Ned and hurried over.

"Hey peter guess what!" Ned exclaimed as peter shoved his bag into his locker.

"What's up?" He asked as they walked to home room.

"My parents told me this morning that we're going to be going to Florida for our vacation!!" He smiled.

"Woah, that's so cool man, are you going to Disney?"

They took their seats at the back of the class. "They haven't told me yet but I think so. They might be keeping it as a surprise"

"You're so lucky, we'll have fun when you go and don't forget to take loads of pics" Peter smiled. So far today was a decent day. He waved goodbye to Ned as they went their separate ways, Ned to English and Peter to AP World history. He hated that class it was very boring, history didn't interest him as much as science. Yet, he managed to make it through it with the good news of no homework. His second class was AP chem which he had with both Ned and MJ so he liked that class. The three of them were usually allowed to do what they wanted because they already knew the material. The rest of the morning went by relatively quickly, then it was just AP Lang and Calculus. Those classes flew by surprisingly fast, and before he knew it he was walking out of school.

He was almost to the street when he was pushed to the floor, his hands getting cut on the rough concrete. "Hey penis" Flash.

"Look I'm just going home Flash" Peter sighed, his good mood slowly being ruined.

"What! You have a home?! I though scum like you lived on the street or in dumpsters. You should just kill yourself, then maybe someone more deserving can live in your home"

That stung, Peter had been racked with thoughts of people on the streets freezing. Ever since he helped gather things for a little old woman who was homeless he had been thinking what if he did kill himself. It left more room for people more deserving.

"Hey are you listening to me penis" Flash yelled as he stomped on one of Peters hands. Blood starting to pool around his fingers. He had been subconsciously clawing at the ground, his hands ripping to shreds.

"Just go flash" Peter sighed.

"Nope, you're not getting off that easily. You seem to need your hands for Chem and other things. So I'll take that away from you, you can't hit the buzzer in Decathlon if your hands are crushed" before I peter could react both of his hands were being crushed with a rock Flash had found. Tears started to slip out of Peters eyes and his breath sped up. It hurt oh it hurt. When flash finally stopped and left Peter was curled in a ball his hands unrecognizable. The tears were endless now, the pain was unbearable.

Somehow he managed to stand up, he used his teeth to pull his sleeves down over his hands and made his way to SI.

He said hello to the lady at the front desk and headed to the elevator. When he got inside Friday's voice made him jump. "Mr Parker your hands seem to be fractured with multiple full breaks. I am alerting Mr. Stark so he can help you" Before Peter could open his mouth to protest the doors opened and Mr. Stark ran in and gently took one of Peters hands in his own.

"Shit kid, what happened to you?" He lead him to his lab and sat him down. "Friday get Bruce" Tony left for a moment and came back with two ice packs. He gently laid them on top of Peters hands wincing when Peter winced. "Wanna tell me how this happened?"

Thats all it took, for Peter to break down. Sobs racking his body, he was shaking violently and chocking for a breath. "Woah, ok bambi calm down" Tony pulled Peter to his side and stroked a hand through his hair.

"I-I'm so s-sorry I tried to keep- keep it a s-secret but he hurt me dad- it hurts" he cried even more. "F-flash he hurts me all the time and I try to be strong because hero's are strong but my hands are bloody and broken because I can't fight back because what if I hurt him?" Peter wasn't breathing at all now, his chest heaving for oxygen. Luckily Bruce attached an oxygen mask over Peters mouth and he could finally get some air. Exhaustion over took him and he passed out.

"Tones I'm not a real doctor but I'll get strange he needs surgery"

"Yeah yeah ok" Tony pulled at his hair as he watched peter taken to the towers OR.


It was hours later when Bruce let Tony go see peter. Within those few hours Flash had been banned from Stark Towers, put on the 'unqualified' list for most Ivy League schools and prohibited from getting within twenty feet of Peter. Not to mention the death threat from, Natasha, Clint, Steve, Bucky, Thor and Loki in the form of a talking python. Needless to say Flash would not be bothering Peter anytime soon.

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