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(I had the idea of an MCU x criminal minds story so here we go)

Acid attacks were becoming more and more frequent.

People couldn't leave their apartments without fear they were next.

The avengers were not working on these attacks, as word had spread from Asgardian citizens that Odin had begun planning an attack. They weren't really sure how realistic the king of Asgard attacking a tiny planet was, but they couldn't take any chances.

That left Peter to do as much as he could.

So far he'd been lucky, spidey senses told him when to duck and when to turn. He'd almost been hit once but was quick to recover and took down the guy.

The problem was, there were so many people doing it, it appeared to be a team of individuals but he didn't know.

Meanwhile the members of the BAU's finest team were working tirelessly. Hoping for a break in the case that would help them track down the leader.

This unsub-as describes by one survivor-was seen only once outside of whatever hole he hid in. Apparently he was bald, and wore a hood to hide his face, from what could be seen he had scarring from his neck up.

"Baby girl, look for people who had reported acid attacks since before this started" Morgan said to Garcia over the phone.

"Alright checking now, you're going to have to give me more than that...there are over a thousand names"

"Hotch said he might be mid to late thirties, it would've taken some time to heal into scars so try around ten years ago"

"Alright that's a little better but I need more"

"Try people with pervious charges of assault, that's all I've got for now babygirl"

"I'll hit you back when I've got something, Garcia out"

Morgan chuckled as he put his phone away, "hey pretty boy how's the geo profiling going?" The acid attacks had been all over the city, meaning there was no comfort zone.

"Not well, there are so many variables. We have to factor in the idea that these are individuals formed into some sort of group. This means individual houses and individual comfort zones" Reid sighed and pinched his nose.

"Migraine?" Morgan asked, already knowing the answer.

"When don't I have one" he sighed, before turning back to the map.

The spandex clad superhero swung all over town, he'd stopped four acid attacks within the last hour. He just hoped whoever was responsible for finding the group leader would hurry up.

Then he got an idea.

"Karen, hey can you find out whose leading the investigation? I have an idea for a surprise"

"Of course, processing information...Aaron Hotchner is the teams leader, the team being the top behavioral analysis team from the FBI"

"Woah FBI's here? Well I guess that makes sense, oh acid attack on twenty third. Heading over now"

The muscles in his arms strained with each swing, the adrenaline pushed him to move faster until he landed in front of a man wearing a mask. He had a spray bottle in his hand and looked ready to fire.

"Let's talk this out mask man, hand over your identity"

The man didn't speak but swung his fist out which peter easily dodged.

"Oh it's the thinking you were fast enough for me" he webbed the mans left wrist and shot the web to the wall, taking the man with it. "You really thought you did sum, anyways chile I'm taking you to one Aaron Hotchner"  he moved to web the mans other hand but didn't move fast enough, the masked person had uncapped the spray bottle and splashed it all over peter.

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