Week one

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Potential TW: anxiety, and vomiting

Part 2 of "Hello?" There will be three more parts after this following each of the four weeks.

Day 1:
It started with fatigue, which was logged as normal because peter was a busy kid. Tony had emailed the school and demanded that Peters work be sent to the tower as there was no way he was letting him go to school. He knew that as time went on and Peters condition progressed he wasn't going to be able to work on school work. So he gave each avenger a subject. He got math, Steve got history, Bruce got science, Natasha got English and Clint got spanish. 

Peter was permanently holed up in his room, piled of blankets were stacked on his bed, he often got cold. That was another symptom logged. Bruce had come up with a digital chart in order to chart Peters daily symptoms. He would talk to peter about how he felt once in the morning, at lunch and before he fell asleep. He would also take blood often and check for abnormalities other that he gene mutation that made him Spider-Man.

So far the list of symptoms were,
• chills
• fatigue
• headache
• low grade fever
• light sensitivity
• dry mouth
• minor delirium in some cases
For the first day, the list concerned Bruce, he didn't want to imagine what it would look like at the end of the four weeks.

Day 2:
Tony walked into Peters room to find him writing and erasing the same math problem over and over again.
"Need some help kiddo?"

"Yeah, it's like I used to be able to do this right away but now I can't"

"Happens sometimes, I once forgot how to fly the suit but luckily Jarvis has an autopilot and informational data" Tony laughed to hide his worry.

"Oh no, that could have been bad. Thanks for saving Mr. Starks life Jar" he said to the ceiling.

"Which time little iron man?" Jarvis asked sarcastically.

"It happened more than once?!" He asked mouth agape.

"Yes peter, Mr.Stark often, as one would say, 'loses his marbles'"

"Dang Jar, little rude you're talking about the person who made you"

"My apologies sir"

"Don't apologize for speaking the truth Jar" peter laughed, which started to turn into a cough. Tony grabbed the water from next to him and handed peter the glass. He took a big sip and the coughing subsided. "We should probably tell Bruce"

"Probably, Jar?"

"He has been alerted"

"Alright, oh see you keep forgetting to cube both sides, you're only doing it to the left."

"Ohh, thank you"

Bruce walked into the room with his tablet in his hands. "Jarvis said you had a symptom update"

"Yeah, he was laughing and started coughing" Tony said turning to Bruce as peter continued working.

"Alright, What kind of cough, dry or rattling?"

"Dry" Bruce tapped on the screen, "I'll come back at the end of the day like yesterday.

Sticking to his word Bruce arrived in Peters room just as he was about to go to sleep. "Hey pete"

"Hey Bruce" Peter coughed.

"So what symptoms do you have for me?"

"So far the same as yesterday, only the coughing"

"Ok, we'll that's good, do you need anything? More water?"

"No thank you Bruce, you need blood now right?"

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