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To be honest seven days without sleep is a bit much. But how could he sleep when he has twelve tests, two projects for both School and Stark Industries. Patrol until 4am every night and endless amounts of stress? Caffeine, well at least that would help if he wasn't part spider and therefore metabolized the caffeine before it took any effect.

It was a dark and rainy Thursday morning, he "woke" up to his alarm. The truth was thought he didn't wake up as he just got back into his room. The alarm was to make May think he did sleep. So just like every morning he walked into the bathroom and took a shower, except this time he saw himself. He hadn't noticed how the bag under his eyes looked like they were five miles big, how his skin was pasty white and his eyes were red. He needed eye drops if he was going to go about his day without people questioning him. That's the last thing he needed so he made a mental note to pick some up on the way to school.

When he finished with his shower he grabbed his bag and rushed out the door, saying a rushed "food bye love you" to May. He didn't want breakfast and if he stopped to say goodbye she would make him take some. He couldn't waste food, not when May could have it.

The bus arrived a few minutes earlier than usual which gave him enough time to grab eye drops. When he got them, he walked into the bathroom at the back of the store and put them in. Immediately his eyes cleared and he looked less dead. He couldn't do much about his skin so he planned to blame it on the weather even though that didn't make sense.

(Time skip brought to you by (:•~•:)🤚🏻squilliam)

"Hey Peter!" Ned exclaimed as he sat down next to Peter in Chem.

"Hey" he cleared his throat "her ned"

"You good? You sound sick or something" Ned pointed out while the teacher handed out the papers.

"Yeah I'm good" he replied quickly.

"If you say so"

The rest of the day went by like any other normal day, then it was off to the lab for Peter. He didn't have to worry about Happy finding out because Happy never looked back once the slider was shut anyway. With it shut he decided to take a short nap, well tried. The second he shut his eyes uncle Ben flooded his subconscious vision and he couldn't breathe, so he shot up and went back to staring out the window.

They arrived and Peter waved goodbye to Happy who sighed and got headed to his office. A minute or two and he was on the labs floor, greeting Mr.Stark.

"Hello" he said plopping his bag down on the table.

"Hey kiddo, so look I have some news. There is a mission we are needed for and it'll take a few days. Can you take tomorrow off because if not I can get Strange?"

"No, no of course I can take tomorrow off. Thank you Mr.Stark" Peter smiled.

"Tony, kid and no problem, we need our Spider-kid on this one. By the way we're leaving in an hour, and I have another surprise for you." Tony less the teen to the suits portion of the Lab. "So what do you think?"

"Oh. My. God. It's so amazing mr Stark, I mean tony thank you so much you didn't need to do this the other suit was fine but wow does this one have wing gliders holy potato I can fly with you joe that's so cool" Peter paused for a breath.

"Geez calm down kid before you hyperventilate, but I'm glad you like it. Now go pack and be back here in" he looked to the ceiling.

"Fourth three minutes" Friday responded.

"Thanks Fri, you get the AI go go go" Tony ushered Peter out of the lab.

(:•~•:)🤚🏻squilliam is back with another time skip)

Peter walked onto the landing pad, his suit case in tow and saw the others. So he was going with, Tony (obviously), Steve, Natasha, Clint, and Bruce. Thor must be off world. He thought before handing his suit case to someone and heading into the jet.

"Hey Pete" said Steve, "ok now that we're all here let's go over our mission. We are going to be on this Jet for at least two days, trying to find the definite location of the hydra Base before we infiltrate. So get comfortable but stay alert."

They all nodded and went their separate ways, Tony and Peter heading to their rooms. "You gonna take a nap kid? you look like you haven't slept in days" he chuckled.

"Cause I haven't" Peter muttered under his breath "yeah I think so" he replied with a laugh.

"Well goodnight then kid, see you later"

"Yeah goodnight"

Peter did try to sleep again, but the thoughts came back. And this time when he got up again to a knock at his door the exhaustion hit him. Why suddenly now when I literally have to be attentive and alert? He opened his door and saw Tony. "They found the base it didn't take as long as they thought, suit up and be ready to drop" he left probably to find the others and suit up. Peter stumbles over to his suit case and pulled out the new suit. He slipped it on. "You connected kid?" He heard tony say.

"Yeah, Mr.Stark it smells like a new car in here"



"Peter scans show that you are too exhausted to act with reasonable judgement and quick reflexes during this battle. My diagnosis would be insomnia, would you lien me to alert Mr. Stark of your current situation?"

"No, thank you Karen we have the do this" he felt as though he heard the AI sigh but passed it off as his delirium talking, or sighing.

A few hours into the battle and Peter was completely sluggish, he got hit four times within the span of ten minutes and currently had a broke. Left wrist, a few fractured ribs, lacerations you the head, chest and legs, as well as a grade 2 (moderate) concussion. Despite Karen's urging he still hadn't told Tony, and he planned on not telling Tony until after the battle.

That was the plan at least but when he was hit out of the air and thrown into Tony he didn't really have an option.

"Kid, what the hell happened. Where'a your spider sense?"

"Kinda not working"


"Peter has not slept in over eight days, due to this his actions have been spurred causing, a broke wrist, fractures ribs, lacerations to the Head, chest and legs, as well as a moderate or grade 2 concussion sir"

"Really Karen" Peter whined.

"Alright, you guys got this here I've got to get the kid back on the jet" a chorus of 'yeahs' rang through the comms.

Tony flew up to the jet carrying peter bridal style, deposited him on a bed In front if Bruce and proceeded to interrogate him about not sleeping.

"Fine" Peter snapped, his head hurt and Tony's endless questions weren't helping. "I can't sleep because whenever I close my eyes Ben in there, dying and I can't change that" tears were dripping down his face and Tony pulled Peter into a hug. Distracting him from the needle full of sedatives that Bruce held to his arm. Once Tony felt Peter go limp he let Bruce patch him up.

What the hell was he going to do with that kid?

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