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So they found out, that peter was-is Spider-Man. Yeah, Beck decided to post his video and now everyone knows.

Peter was scared, scared to go patrolling, scared to go to school, even scared to leave the tower, leave Tony's lab.

"Kid, it'll be fine the world knows I'm iron man and I'm still fine!" Tony said enthusiastically.

"Tony, your own friend took your arc reactor, terrorists came after you, and some rando tried to build his own suit to fight you" peter sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He leant back and closed his eyes, a stress headache was forming and he didn't want to deal with that.

"Yeah, but you're just a kid. I don't think they'd go after you. I mean they all hate me so they want me not you"

"I guess. I'm going to go to bed, I'm getting a stress headache and I have school tomorrow" Peter said standing up.

"Ok good night kiddo" Tony turned back to his work, "on and one more thing, it's going to be fine but if you don't feel fine, have Karen call me"

"Ok thanks tony" peter yawned and made his way to his room. He opened the door and got ready for bed.

When he woke up he was upset to see his headache was still there, and worse. Great just what I needed. He got changed and brushed his teeth. "Bye Tony" he shouted as he left the tower. He didn't want to be late.

"Bye kiddo" Tony called and went back to talking with Bruce.

Peter managed to make it down the street and onto the bus just fine. No one said anything and he though today wouldn't be too bad.

When the bus stopped he hopped off and ran up to the doors of midtown tech. He walked down the familiar hallways, only his spidey sense was acting up because every single person was looking at him. He could hear their whispers about the video. About half of the people said they couldn't believe it was him, and the other half said they knew all along.

He felt relieved when he made it to his locker, Ned was there ready to talk about the calculus test they had today.

"I heard it's hard but you'll probably ace it, you know everything before we even start the lesson. Thanks for letting me study with you too, I think I might pass"

"O-of course Ned" Peter muttered, his hand was shaking as he tried to open the locker.

"Hey are you good man, oh is it what they're saying. And that everyone is looking cause I get it I mean if that was me I'd wouldn't even come to school I'd be so freaked out"

"Ned! Ned please stop talking I-" he tried to take a deep breath, when the bell rang he shut the locker and walked to first block.

"Hey I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to set you off like that"

"It's fine Ned, I've just been having major anxiety ever since the video released"

"Yeah I get that, listen I'm here if you need to talk"

"Thanks man" peter and Ned walked into their English class and immediately Peters stomach dropped. Something wasn't right, it wasn't just the kids staring at him it was the teacher now too.

"Ok class before we start" she walked over and locked the door, "I wanted to discuss the elephant in the room, Mr. Parker would you come up here please"

"I- do I have to" Peters hands were shaking uncontrollably and he found it hard to breathe.

"Yes Peter come here" he made his way begrudgingly towards his teacher. When he got to her she grabbed his shoulders and turned him to face the class. "I just, i've been a huge fan of Spider-Man and when I found out he was my student well. I don't know" her hands moved down to his biceps and squeezed.

"What are you-"

"Shut up peter, come in class don't you want to touch Spider-Man" Peter way he din horror as the class walked towards him and started poking him.

"He's such a freak."
"He's a mutant"
"I can't believe I'm touching Spider-Man"

At this point peter was hyperventilating, he couldn't control his breathing and he looked at Ned for help. Ned was on the phone with someone and looked scared.

"Hey Mr.Stark it's me Ned, um the teacher and students are like manhandling peter I don't know what to do. Peters having a panic attack but I can't get to his through them"

"Oh my lord ok I'm on my way, try doing whatever you can, actually can you put the phone on speaker but quietly so peter can listen?"

"Yeah" Ned changed the phone to speaker and turned the volume down.

"Pete? it's me tony. I'm on my way, Ned has me on speaker just listen to my voice ok? It's going to be alright I'm going tot get you out of there, try to think of something else. And don't let them affect you ok?"

It was hard for peter to remain unaffected especially when he was being lifted up and pulled, they all wanted him and were fighting over him. Tears were hot and thick on his skin and his lungs seemed to be tiny but he listened to Tony.

"Alright bubba I'm here" peter heard the door slam in and hit the floor, a bright light was seen and Tony's voice appeared through the suits speakers. "Get the hell. Away from my son" the kids scattered afraid of being hit by the repulser. The teacher though? Seemed unfazed.

"Or what?" She asked arms around Peters waist squeezing so tight he couldn't breathe if his panic attack let him anyway.

"I will not hesitate... Bitch" Tony shot the repulser at the teacher and she flew against the back wall, peter was dropped in the process and immediately picked up by Tony. He curled into the metal suit struggling for a breath. "Breathe bubba breathe. Ned grab the things let's go" Ned did as he was told and they left the building and climbed into the limo waiting out front. Ned climbed int the passenger with happy and closed the divider giving peter privacy.

Tony set peter down and let the suits nanoparticles retract into the reactor. He climbed in the back and shut the door tapping on the glass signaling happy to go. He turned back to peter and sat on the floor of the limo across from him. L
"Bubba breathe, ok you're not there anymore you're here with me and we're going to the tower. You will never deal with that again ok? I promise."

"I-I couldn't breathe they, oh god Tony they wouldn't let me go" peter cried, crawling against his fathers chest.

"I know bambi I know, I'm not going to leave you until you're better ok?"

"Ok" Peter whispered as exhaustion finally let him sleep.

The divider rolled down slowly, Ned and happy heads peaked in timidly. "We're here" happy said, "how is he?"

"Shaken up but he'll be fine. I'll take him in, happy take Ned for some food where ever he wants my treat, and take him to get some new LEGO too, you deserve it kid. Quick thinking calling me, thank you"

"Of course mister Stark I didn't want peter to get hurt"

"And I thank you for that, now I'm going to go, he needs to sleep, thanks hap" Tony climbed out of the limo and headed to Peters bedroom.

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