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New Years, an event celebrated through almost all cultures. Not always on the same night, but for most of America it's December 31st. Despite the unity it brings throughout the world, it's also one of the biggest parties and celebrations for Stark Industries. Every New Years Anthony Edward Stark holds a New Years celebration so big it is talked on hundreds of news channels. Everyone wants to go, but only a specific group of people who were selected by Tony himself can go. So back then that meant a lot of tall blondes. He's changed though, because for the first time a minor is allowed in, and that minor goes by the name Peter Parker or Tony's practically adopted son.

Peter of course was ecstatic, who wouldn't be. Invited to his first SI New Years party. Because it was so prestigious he couldn't bring his friends. Even though Tony would have let him, what people don't know is that pepper Potts, CEO of Stark industries controls the people who can go. Getting her to allow peter took a while, but she finally gave in. They had broken up after Tony gave her the CEO role, he had wanted to basically raise peter and she didn't. So they split up, but now it was more of a nuisance than anything, she controlled everything, at least Tony still had his suits and his son-not-son.

Peter was getting into the suit Tony had custom made for him. It's was a dark blue almost black with a white under shirt and a tie that matched the blue of the suit. It was very Tony, not so much Peter but he thought new year new me. So when he was ready he headed downstairs to the ball room. There were black white and gold decorations everywhere with a hint of red in some places of course because to quote Tony "I am Iron Man" as if the word didn't already know he just wanted to make it clearer with subtle hints here and there.

Peter immediately spotted Tony among a group of fancy men and women in suits and dresses. They all seemed to be trying to gain his attention, but once he saw peter he pushed through them and walked over to him.

"Hey kiddo, how's it going? Do you like the decor?"

"Of course, it's looks amazing Mr.Stark and thank you for convincing Mrs Potts to let me come tonight"

"Yeah, sure think kid. You're basically my son I want you here on New Years"

"Thanks Mr. Stark" he smiled and watched Tony wall back over to the group of people.

The night passed smoothly until about eight o'clock. Peter took a sip of his drink and the room started to spin. Next thing he knew he was being shoved into a car and woke up strapped onto a metal table. Great.

"Mr. Parker... it's such a pleasure to meet you. See we here have some tests we would like to perform to find out why your DNA was so compliant in the bonding with the spider DNA. You can wipe that shocked expression off your face. We don't care about the spider part of your DNA we care about your DNA. Hopkinson, grab the kit" with that the lights turned off and a the sound of a drill filled Peters ears.

Tony had had enough with the people around him, they were just getting progressively drunker by the minute and he didn't like that. He'd stopped drinking when he met peter, wanted to give him a better life than he had. So he stopped, but now he was looking for this kid and couldn't find him anywhere. He wanted to be with him when the ball dropped, so he called him multiple times but his phone always went to voice mail. Maybe he's in the bathroom? Or in his room he'll be back soon. And he would be, just not in the same condition as when he left.

With about twelve minutes until midnight peter was shoved through the doors and told to go back tot he party. They had washed the blood out of his clothes but didn't bandage his cuts or stitch the deeper ones.

He stumbled into the ball and like last time immediately saw Tony. He needed help, usually he would ignore his pain so he didn't have to be a burden but the cuts really hurt and they drilled into his hip for bone marrow with no anesthetic.

"Hey kiddo, I was looking for you the balls about to-hey are you okay?"

"N-no please it hurts" Peter cried.

"Okay, come with me" he helped peter walk out into the hallway and towards the elevator. "Friday seats" when he said that seats expanded from the walls of the elevator and Tony laid peter on them. "Scans please fri"

"T-they took my bone marrow. The w-wanted to, wanted to test my-my DNA" he cried.

"Scans are up, he seems to have multiple unsealed cuts that are bleeding profusely but the most important concern would be the bone marrow forcefully extracted from his hip. Under what I can tell to be little to no anesthetic"

"Oh god, bubba who did this to you?" He stroked Peters hair as the elevator raced to med bay.....

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