Chapter 1

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I’m awaked by my alarm clock sounding off, and started to get out of bed.

“Great, no more school, but more work.” I mumble, as I got up from my bed. I walk to my bathroom and took a shower. After I got out of the shower, I heard my mother knock on my door.

“Rachel honey, are you awake?” She asks.

“Yes mom,” I roll my eyes. I really need to get my own place. I graduated high school, and I still live with my parents.

I got ready for work, and left my room to go down to the kitchen. My mom was at the stove, as my dad sits at the table, reading the newspaper. My mom’s a lawyer, and my dad’s a judge at our town court. They both act like the professional people they should be, which gets annoying if you asked me.

“Hey pumpkin,” My dad says, looking up from his newspaper.

“Dad, please.” I roll my eyes.

“Oh yeah, I forgot now that you graduated, that your old enough to not be called pumpkin.” He teases. I gave him a look, and walked over to my seat.

I ate breakfast, and then said goodbye to my parents. I told them about me wanting to get an apartment or a place of my own, and they told me that we’ll talk about it later, that’s what they always say. I got up from my seat, and was about to head to the door.

“Wait honey,” My dad says, making me stop in my tracks. I still had enough time to get to work, so I didn’t fidget much. “I wanted to ask you about something.” He starts out.

“About what daddy?” I ask.

“Do you remember my friend’s son, Mark Walton?”

“Vaguely,” I says, nodding my head. “He’s the one who graduated three years before me, right?” I ask, and he nods his head.

“Well, my friend and I have been talking, and we thought maybe you two should go out sometime. We think you two would get along great.” He adds.

“Dad, you didn’t set me up on a date again, did you?” I ask in a weary voice.

“Well, uh, yeah I did…”

“Dad!” I whine.

“But honey, he’s such a great boy, and since you broke up with Steve last month, and haven’t been out much - I just thought you two would hit it off.” He says, innocently. I roll my eyes again, and couldn’t help but cave in.

“Alright, I’ll go for ONE date.” I told him.

“Great,” He beams at me, and smiles big. “He’ll pick you up tomorrow at 6:00 since you don’t work.” He adds.

“Okay…”I say and then went off towards the door. “I got to go to work now, bye dad.” I call out, “Bye mom,” I shout as I open the door.

“Bye honey,” She calls out from the table, with coffee in her hand.

I took off from the driveway and went off to work, dreading for tomorrow. This wasn’t the first time my dad has set me up with one of his friend’s son. Most of them were too boring, perverts, or geeky. None were my type. But I went anyway, because I don’t like upsetting him. That’s the bad part about it is, I guess.


The next day, I get up from bed as the phone rings. I look at the clock, and its 10:30.


“Hey Rachel!” My friend Quinn beams through the other line.

“Hey Quinn,” I said.

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