Chapter 10

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If you skipped the last chapter here is a small recap of what you missed, puck, Quinn, Finn and Rachel went out to get something to eat, finn later on took Rachel back to his apartment where they experienced some new things with their sex life like licking chocolate off each other! Like I said a very small summary, now on to the story!!!

He carries me into the bathroom, and let's me put my feet on the floor. He turns on the water, as we got the rest of our clothes off, while kissing at the same time. He pours a little bit of bubbles in half way through, and comes back to me; kissing my lips, then neck, and then lowers his mouth onto my breast, as I thread my fingers through his hair, moaning his name.

He looks up and then scoops me off the floor, and lays me down in the water, getting in after laying me down. He kisses me passionately, as I wrap my arms around his neck. He grabs a sponge and then starts to wash me. He washes my neck, then starts coming towards my breast, washing them both.

I run my soapy hands down his chest, to his stomach, and then reached his aroused flesh, as I squeeze it lightly, hearing him let out a groan. I start to stoke him a few times, and then he starts to enter me with his finger, as he moves his finger up and down fast, and rubbing my nub with his thumb.

I moan his name, and then stated to lead him to my center. He pulls back a little, and then positions himself in between my legs, as he enters me slowly. We both cry out from our reconnection, as he starts to thrust slowly.

"Finn-" I cry out, as he thrusts deeper inside me, and slowly pulled out and back into me. He pants against my neck, as he keeps on thrusting hard but slow.

"Oh god, Finn . . . Please . . . faster!" I cry out.

"Shh . . . I like it this way." He whispers to my neck, which makes me even crazier. He keeps up his rhythm, and I start to thrust with him, as I tried to go faster, but he squeezes my hips to make me slow down.

"Finn . . . please! . . . uhn-" I cry, but he doesn't go faster. I feel my body tense up, as I start to scratch his back. This is too much. I need him to go faster.

"Rachel. . . Oh baby . . . you feel so good." He pants against my neck.

"Finn . . . oh god . . . please!" I cry, as tears start to form in my eyes. He thrusts out, but then thrusts hard back into me, but still goes slow.

"Oh shit . . . this feels so good . . ." He moans. I cry out again as I felt my orgasm just moments away. I start to put my legs around his hips; and then pushed him deeper inside me, as I squeeze my muscles real tight. That's when his control starts to slip. His eyes widen, as he starts thrusting faster.

"Yes . . . Finn . . . That's it . . . uhn . . .uhn!" I cried, as he pounds into me. I feel my release so close, I already feel myself coming.

"Rachel. . . Fuck! . . . I'm coming, I'm coming." He cries out, as he thrusts one more hard-deep thrust, making us both come together.


"Rachel!" He cries out the same times I do. He thrusts more and more, still coming into me, as I milked him. I hold onto him, as he keeps on coming. With one more shaky thrust, he slumps down on me, breathing hard as I held onto him.

"Finn. . ." I pant.

"Yeah-" He says hoarsely.

"I-I love you." I whisper. I feel him go stiff, and I wondered if I should've taken it back. Maybe it's too soon for him. What was I thinking? All of the sudden I start to feel stupid, as I feel tears sting my eyes. I start to push at his chest, but he doesn't move. I started pushing harder, as I started to feel horrible, but he still doesn't move.

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