Chapter 3

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It's been three weeks, and Mark and I have been dating more often. I don't know why I go, I just couldn't say no. I can't help it, I'm a softy.

Today was mine and Quinn's day out together. We haven't been hanging out that much lately. First, we hung out in her apartment, and then went to get a bite to eat. Afterwards, she asked if I wanted to go to the town park. I just shrugged and we went.

We drove around the park, and then parked the car by the baseball diamond. We got out of the car, and walked over to the baseball gate. There was a baseball game going on, and we stayed and watched them. After the game, it was getting dark, but we stayed around and walked around, talking.

"Now look who it is." We heard a male voice say. We turned around, and the guy with mohawk hair from the mall parking lot comes up behind us, with his six buddies behind him, one who was looking at me.

"Great," Quinn rolls her eyes. "Don't you guys have something to terrorize?" She mocked.

"Ouch, sugar." The guy acts liked he's hurt. I looked back at the amber eyes; that was looking at me, but then he averts his eyes away from mine when he sees me looking at him. He must still be mad at me.

"Please stop calling me sugar." Quinn warns. "For one I'm not your girl, and for two . . . it's just plain disgusting." She shivers.

"Ooo, I like a girl with an attitude." He smirks, and she rolls her eyes again.

"Come on Rachel, let's go." She mumbles to me, and pulls me away from them.

"Oh come on sugar, don't be like that." He calls out.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked her, when we were far from earshot.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." She said.

"Ummm. . . I think I'll just hang out here until you're done."

"What, with these assholes out here?" She points at the guys by the car, up the hill.

"I'll be fine." I told her. She shrugs her shoulders, and then goes inside. I walked around the park little ways, and found a swing set, as I sat down and waited for her. I sat down on one of the swings, and started to move a little, just to keep it rocking.

"Mind if I join you?" I heard a male voice ask, and turned around to see HIM.

"Uh, sure," I said. He sits down next to me on the other swing, and swings a little.

"Uh, I'm sorry about what happen that day at the coffee shop . . . I didn't mean to say I was leaving because of you. I just really had to go somewhere." I apologized. He nods his head and just keeps on swinging a little.

"It's cool . . . Like I said, I'm use to it."

"How can you take it?" I asked. He shrugs his shoulders, and then looks at me for the first time since he got here.

"Once everyone in the whole town despises you, you have to get use to it." He says.

"Why won't you just do something?"

"Because if I did, they'll charge me, and then the damn cops would be on my ass easily." He growls at the thought.

"Oh. . ." I said. "So, do you like being treated like this?" I asked.

"Sure," He shrugs, and looks away again.


"It's fun to see all the people afraid of you, because you know they won't try to do anything. They're too afraid something would happen to them, and they leave you alone." He says, grinning while he thought about it.

"So, is there just the six of you, or are there any more like you?" I asked. He looks back at me and grins.

"I like how you say, "like you." He tells me, chuckling. I blushed and looked away.

"Sorry, I just don't know what to call you guys." I defend myself.

"No, it's better than what other people call us."

"And what's that?"

"The Street Walkers,"

"Oh. . ."

"The way you say "like you" it sounds like a career or something." He smirks. I smiled and chuckled.

"But yeah, it's just the six of us." He admits.

"Oh. . . Is that one the leader of the group?" I asked, pointing towards the hill.

"Who Puck? Hell no, he just thinks he is." He chuckles.

"Then who is?" I asked, looking at all the others up there. He looks at me, and gets closer.

"You're sitting right next to him." He whispers, and smirks at me.

"You-you are?"

"Yep . . . What, you think I don't look like one?" He says, acting like he was hurt.

"No, it's just I thought. . . It's just you always stay in the back."

"Yeah, I don't like to be in the center of attention."


"Puck likes it though,"

"Yeah, I can tell." I chuckle, and he joins in.

"He really likes your friend, you know?"

"Really, it could've past me." I laugh and so does he.

"Yeah, I think your friend is really irritated with him. . . She really hates him, doesn't she?" He asked. "You know, I can tell him to stop." He adds.

"Actually, I think she likes it. She always acts like that around the guys she likes." I said.

"Really," He raises his eyebrow.

"Yeah, but don't tell him that." I add.

"Oh, I won't. You can count on me."

"Alright," I said, and we resume back to swinging a little.

"Hey, come on!" I saw Puck up the hill, calling for the man next to me.

"Coming," He growls at him. "Well, I'll see you around." He says, getting off the swing.

"Wait, when will I see you again?" I asked.

"Next time we bump into each other." He shrugs, and turns to walk away.

"Wait!" I said, and he turns around to look at me. "You never told me your name." I said. He smiles at me, and nods his head.

"Just call me the leader." He smirks.

"W-wait." But he's already gone. What kind of name is that? Why wouldn't he just tell me his name? After I looked at where he just left; Quinn finally comes around the slide, and rushes up to me.

"Man, I've been trying to find you every where." She says.

"I've been here all this time." I said, and just kept staring where he left.

"Well, let's get out of here before they get back." She says, rushing to the car.

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