Chapter 4

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Two days later, I'm with Mark, as he took me to a dancing restaurant, where couples danced while eating. I was just sitting there, while he talked non-stop and I just replied him with uh huh's and nuh ah's. I've wanted to bump into "the leader" but I haven't seen him lately.

After Mark and I danced to one song, he takes me home. He kisses me goodnight, and he told me he would call tomorrow. I just nodded my head, and went inside. I shut the door, and leaned up against it. . . How boring was that?

"Man, those boys. They need to get a life." I heard my dad grumbling.

"What boys?" I asked when I walked in the kitchen, to see my dad talking to my mom.

"We were just talking about how your father's day has been." My mom says.

"One of those creeps got charged with assault today, finally."

"What boys, dad?"

"Those no good hooligans, who just lie around everywhere," He grumbles. Oh no, I hope it's not "the leader". After my dad kept on grumbling, I fell silent and hoped it wasn't him. I finally went to my room, and went to bed.


It's been three days, and I'm just walking around town. Not going anywhere in particular, just walking. I didn't have to work today, Quinn was at work, and Mark was with his family. So, I just went for a walk. I walked by the big lake in our town, and looked out at the scene, as I breathe in a deep breath of fresh night air.

"Brilliant, isn't it?" I heard a male voice. I smiled before turning my head, because I knew who it was.

"Sure is," I sighed.

"I come here a lot. I like to come here and just, think." He admits, and puts his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, it's such a great place." I admitted. "So, I heard one of your people got in trouble." I said after a moment of silence.

"Yeah. . . He finally cracked when some jock told him he was a no-good-lousy-son-of-a-bitch; and he didn't want to the same old shit anymore, so he attacked. . . Oh man, that guy was scared shitless." He laughs.

"Who was it?"

"Shane Lynx." He says.


"Yeah, he was one of the guys who thought a lot like Puck." He adds.

"I thought it was you." I whisper, after another moment of silence. He looks at me, and raises his eyebrow.

"You know me better than that. I told you I didn't want the cops on my ass. I'm not going to let some jackass get the best of me." He adds, and I nod my head.

"How long is he in jail for?" I asked. I would've asked my dad about this information, but he doesn't like telling people's personal things.

"I think for a year or less." He says.

"That sucks." I admitted.

"Yeah. . . He might get out earlier than that though. This is his first time in jail so yeah."

"Good, good." I nod my head.

"Do you want to walk?" He asked.

"Sure," I said, and followed him. We started walking in silence for a while, but then I started to ask questions. "So, tell me. Why did you start this group?" I asked, and he lets out a blow of air.

"Because I was tired of getting shoved around, and the guys agreed with me,"

"What did you guys do to make the town treat you this way?"

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