Chapter 12

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It's been a while since I've seen Finn since that night. He would be working or just ignoring me to come by my way. I feel so guilty. I never should've brought up his father, or any of his family. Even though Finn and I aren't talking as much, I'm still going to beak it off with Mark. I don't like to think what Finn would do if he knew about Mark. I want to help our relationship, not hurt it even more.

I haven't seen Mark for a while either. He's been busy with work and other things. I only talked to him once, and I'm not doing it on the phone, it'll be too inhumane of me.

I'm with Quinn right now. It's been four days since that horrible fight. When I told her what happen, which we were out at the mall. She dragged me to a little café thing in the mall, as I told her everything. She went into safe-mode as always, and comforts me.

"I'm still going to break it off with Mark." I told her, after I told her everything.

"You are?"

"Yeah, I mean we're not over, Finn and me I mean. At least I hope not." I whisper.

"Of course you aren't. This is just a little fight Rachel-"

"Big," I corrected her.

"Okay, big, but still it's still just a fight. Everyone has them." She says.

"Yeah, you're tight." I nod my head.

"Believe me, once he's calm down, you'll guys will make up, and have great-paralyzing sex, like you use to do." She jokes.

"Quinn!" I laugh.

"What?" She asked, innocently. I laughed again, as she chuckles with me. Oh man, I love her. I could never live without her. And I told her just that.

"I know. I can't even imagine life without you." She replies.

We finished our drinks, and walked around the mall some more, as we just kept on talking.

"Hey sweetie!" I lift my head up, and we see Puck walking our way. I was hoping it was Finn, who wasn't with him.

"Hey Rachel," Hey nods nonchalant to me when he reaches us. He didn't look too happy to see me. It could be that he wished Quinn was alone, or it could be that he knows about the fight, or both. He puts his arm around Quinn's waist, and walked with us.

"How's Finn?" I asked Puck, when the time was right. He looks at me, almost as he was giving me death glare, but then looks ahead.

"Alright, I guess, he's been working a lot though . . . Just trying to get things off his mind." He adds, as he then gives me a dirty look. I turn my head in shame, as we kept on walking. Quinn felt the tension in the air between us, and decided to step in, and got Puck off my case. I felt a little relived that she did, but I still felt like crap. After we shopped, Puck walks us to our car, and says goodbye to Quinn, as she gets into the car.

"Hey," I said, before he had a chance to leave us. He turns around and looks at me. "I'm sorry. . . I know how much you look up to Finn." I whisper. He looks at me for a while, but then nods his head.

"You know you were the best thing that happened to him since… forever." He says kind of smugly. I bow my head in shame, but then looked back up.

"Wait, who said anything about were?" I asked.

"Rachel, you hit a real rough spot on him. I don't know what you're going to do to make it up, but it better be good." He tells me.

"Look, I know, and I feel really bad for saying that . . . believe me." I plead with me eyes. He looks at me stiffly for the longest time, before he starts to calm down a bit. I look back at Quinn, as she waits patiently for me. I looked back at Puck with shame in my eyes.

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