Chapter 5

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It's another day out with Mark. He asked me to go with him to one of his family dinners, and I foolishly said yes. I don't know why I can't say no. Maybe because he makes me feel safe, and every one keeps on telling me how lucky I am to date someone like Mark. Every girl wanted him, but I wasn't really that interested in him; even though I still went out with him.

I looked at my self in the mirror one last time; then I started to walk down the stairs. I walk in the living room, and Mark was already there with my dad.

"Hey, you look great." He says when he sees me.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Uh, sure," I said, and he took out his arm for me to take, and walked out.

We get to his parents house, and the house of course, big and classy. He goes to open my door, and escorts me to the door. He rings the doorbell as a classy butler answers it.

"Sir, your mother is inside." He bows his head at Mark.

"Thank you Richard." He says, and he takes me inside the house. We walked in the living room and a fancy woman sits in a chair, with a drink in her hand.

"Marcus, how great to see you again," she beams at us. She stands up, and then looks at me.

"Mother, this is Rachel Berry." Mark introduced us. "Rachel, this is my mother, Sheryl."

"Nice to meet you," I said, sticking out my hand, and she takes it in a firm grip.

"Yes, I've heard a lot about you." She tells me.

"Really," I said, and I look at Mark as he smiles at me.

"Well, let's go in the dinning room to get something to eat." She says as we follow her.

"Where's father, mother?" Mark asked.

"He should be here soon." She says and sits down in her seat.

"So Rachel, tell me something about your self?" She looks at me.

"Well, my father is the judge of this town, Will Berry." I said.

"Oh yes, I know your father quite well. He's a good man, and your mother is quite wonderful her self." She adds.

We kept on talking about me, and waited till Mark's father got home. I drank my water, and fidget in my chair. I really wish I could be somewhere else. Some where with . . . Finn. . . Man, I haven't seen him for a long time. I tried looking for him in the usual places, but never could find him. My thoughts were interrupted when Mark's father comes in. He sees me, and smiles at us.

"You must be Rachel." He beams at me.

"Uh, yes sir." I said.

"Oh, call me Jared." He tells me, as he sits himself on one the seats.

"Jared," I corrected myself.

"So, everything going great for you two?"

"Sure is father." Mark says. He may think that, but I think other wise.

We ate the food that was served to us, and made small talk. Afterwards, Mark and I got up to leave, as they walked us to the door.

"It was really great to meet you, Rachel." Jared says.

"Same here," I reply with a smile.

"I hope to do this again sometime, and maybe we could invite your parents next time." He suggested.

"That'll be nice." I nod my head.

"Well, you have good night." Sheryl calls out.

"You too." I nod my head at them. Mark says goodbye to his parents, and leads me to his car, as he drives me home.

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