Chapter 15

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I've been pacing in my room back and forth. Today is the day Finn is supposed to meet my parents. He's been waiting for this all week, while I've been going crazy. I asked my parents if I could invite a friend over for dinner, and they said it was a good idea. They asked who it was, and I told them they didn't know them.

I look at myself in the mirror one more time, and went down stairs to check on my mom with the dinner.

"Hey mom, are you almost done?" I asked, looking over her shoulder as she stirs something.

"Yep," she said and looked up from her stirring. "Wow honey, you look wonderful." She said looking at my outfit.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"So, who's this friend?" She asked suspiciously.

"Uh . . . You'll see," I told her.

"Oh, a surprise, huh?" she asked.

"Yeah," I smiled sweetly. I kissed her cheek, and went to fix the table. I was so fidgety that I almost dropped the plates five times. I'm just so worried what my dad's going to say.

"Hey pumpkin," my dad greets me, as he enter the dinning room.

"Hey dad," I said, as my hands started to shake, while I was putting the silverware in there spots.

"So, when's this friend of yours coming over?" He asked.

"Uh, at 7:30," I told him.

"Oh, okay." He smiled at me. "I'm going to go check on your mother; I want to see how wonderful her food looks?" He winks at me, and enters the kitchen. I let out a blow of air, as I finished fixing the table.


At 7:26 the doorbell rings. I shoot up off the chair I was sitting on, while I was waiting on the show to begin.

"I got it," I said as I ran past my mom and dad, who were flirting in the dinning room. Man, I hope they won't do that when he's in here. I open the door, and Finn is there with flowers in his hand.

"Hey gorgeous," He smiles at me, as he grabs in a loving embrace.

"Hey," I smiled. Right then I felt all my worries slipping away.

"You look breath taking," He smiles down at me.

"Thank you. So do you." I smiled up at him. He was actually wearing a different color rather than black. He wore a darkish blue button shirt that was unbuttoned around his neck, and a little bit of his chest was showing, with a black leather jacket over it, and he wore jeans. He looked amazing that I could just take him up in my room right now. But that'll have to wait till another day.

"Honey, is that your friend?" I heard my mother call out from the dinning room, as she close in near. She was there behind us in a flash. "Oh, hello." She smiles politely at Finn.

"Uh, hello Mrs. Berry…Uh, these are for you." He smiles at her, as he gives her the bundle of flowers.

"Oh, how lovely, thank you." She smiles at him.

"You're welcome." He smiles at her. He looks more comfortable than I am right now.

"Oh, well, come in." My mom beams at him. "Come in, come in." She leads us inside. I walked inside, as Finn walks behind me. We enter the dinning room, where I saw my father at the table, while I braced myself.

"Will, Rachel's friend is here." My mom beams at my father, as we entered the room. My dad smiles and looks up, as he looks at Finn. I bet he was expecting a girl instead of a guy, because his face fell a little when he saw him.

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