Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning, and remembered that I had to go to work, as I stumble out of bed. I got ready for work and walked down stairs, joining my parents in the kitchen. My dad peeped his head out from his newspaper, and smiles at me.

"Hey pumpkin, did you have fun last night?"

"Yeah," I nod my head, and smiled as I remembered last night with Finn.

"So, it looks like you and Mark have been getting closer now." He says. Oh, he was talking about Mark.

"Uh, well kind of. We're still just dating though." I said.

"I see," He nods his head. "That boy is such a great boy Rachel. I hope something special comes out of this relationship." He smiles up at me. Oh dad, why does he have to say that? I actually wanted to stop dating Mark, but I can't do it now. I mean my dad loves the guy, he'll be so upset.

"I, uh, I got to go to work." I said, as I walk up to him, and kissed his cheek. "Bye daddy," I said.

"Bye pumpkin." He calls out, as I left the house.

I walk into the building of the science department, and walked to my desk. I work at a science lab, where I'm a secretary. But I get to see through microscopes, and do work in the lab whenever my boss tells me I could. He told me this'll be a great experience to put on my résumé when I get into college or a job in the science department.

I sit at my desk, and I started to get down to business, as I put the folders that were on my desk, in the places they should be. One of the scientists comes through the door, and she greets me with a smile.

"How are you Rachel?" She asked.

"Great Eli and you?" I asked.

"Good," She nods her head at me. Her name was Professor Michelle, but I call her Eli al the time.

"You know what?" She asked.


"I went by Mr. Rice's house, and I saw him scraping paint, and trying to get off by washing it with a hose and soap. Oh man, it was priceless." She chuckles. I chuckle a little, as I remembered last night.

"Really, that's crazy." I said.

"Yeah, I know. . . But he had it coming. He was the number one jerk of this town." She smirks. I laugh as she starts to go into the lab.

At lunch break, I see Quinn coming down the street, to the little café I was at. "Hey girl!" She waves.

"Hey Quinn," I greet her. "How was your day?" I add.

"You'll never guess what happen." She looks aggravated.


"You know that asshole, that one street walker, who always hits on us."

"You mean you." I corrected her.

"Yeah, whatever, anyway, he saw me at that gas station, and started flirty with me again . . . I am getting tired of him. He won't leave me the hell alone." She grumbles.

"Oh come on Quinn admit it, you like him." I state.

"What? Are you crazy? I would never like a asshole like him, never." She says.

"Quinn, that's what you do when you like a guy. You make him beg, and then you snap at him whenever he gets close. It's how you roll." I said.

"No I don't!" She snaps.

"Yes you do."

"Name one guy." She says.

"Daniel Smith in JR year, you had him begging you at your feet, until finally you told him you would go on a date with him." I said matter-of-factly.

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