Chapter 8

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He drives me to his apartment building, which was big and rich like, not at all like Finn's. His apartment was big too, with real huge spaces. I like Finn's better, it was much cozier than this.

"So, how do you like it?" He asked.

"Uh, it's. It's nice." I said.

"Here, sit down, make yourself comfortable." He says. I sat down in his lather couch, as he got up to get some water.

"Here you go." He says, handing me the water.

"Thanks," I said, drinking down the water. Damn I'm so thirsty. That screaming really made my mouth dry. But Finn always does that to me.

"So . . ." Mark interrupts my thoughts. "I was talking to your father." He starts out. Damn, why do you have to bring him up? "And we were talking . . . We both agreed that you were old enough to make you own decisions, so you get to answer yes or no." He stops. Oh come, spit it out.

"He's been telling me you want to move out. . . So, we thought you could, you know, live here, with me." What?!

"Here? With you?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean I don't mind, if you don't." Shit, shit, shit. "I mean your dad think it's a great idea. . . He was the one to bring it up actually." He smirks. Oh no, he wants us to live together?

"Uh, I don't know Mark; I'll have to think about it."

"Think for how ever long you want. Just so you know the offer is open anytime you want to move in here." He smiles.

"I'll think about it." I nod.

"Good, because Rachel, I really, really like you." He stares at me. No! Please, no. If he likes me too much, I'll hurt him and I just hate hurting people.


"I care about you Rachel. . . You're amazing, smart, beautiful, and funny . . . You're everything I've been waiting for. My parents even love you. I really want you to think about this. Just so you know how much I care." Damn it.

"Okay, I'll, I'll think about it long and hard." I said. He smiles at me, and nods his head. He gets up from the couch he was on and comes to sit by me. He puts his hand on mine, and starts to rub it, and then lifts my chin up to meet his eyes, as he starts to kiss me. Why do I let his kiss me?

He starts to lay me down on the couch, and kisses me frantically. His tongue meets mine, and it makes me want to vomit. His kisses aren't as wonderful as Finn's are. He tries to get closer and closer to me, and runs his hand over my chest, and cups it over my breast. Shit! No, I don't want this. I start to push him, but he doesn't get the hint.

I feel his erection against me, and I start to panic. No, no I don't want this. He starts to put his hand under my skirt, as I start to push harder on his chest. Finally, he lets me go and I start to breathe in pants.

"I-I can't do this right now . . . sorry." Why am I apologizing?

"No, no its fine . . . There's no rush. I can wait until you're ready." Buddy, I'll never be ready with you, I wanted to tell him that.

"I'm sorry. I'm just not ready to get too serious." I will never be.

"I understand . . . Uh, I'll, uh, I'll take you home." He says, getting up. Yes! Thank you.

He drives me to the side of my house, and puts the car in park.

"So, you'll think about living with me?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah, I'll think about it." I said.

"Okay," He says, and then closes in for a kiss. I let him peck for a couple of times, and then I start to get out.

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