Chapter 13

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What went wrong? Why didn't I end it sooner? Why didn't I just tell him sooner? All these questions and many more were always playing in my head these past few weeks, since that day happened. Once everything was about to get better for me, it all just got worse.

"Rachel, you need to get out, and do something." Quinn orders as she stands outside my door. She has been coming to my house once again, like everyday. She's been coming over for moral supports, even though I knew she thought I deserved this, for playing two guys, and not ending it with Mark when I should have, which I don't blame her for thinking that.

Quinn comes inside my room, and shakes me hard, trying to get me out of bed. I shove her hands away and groan, but she doesn't give up that easily, as she keeps on shaking me.

"Alright! Just stop touching me!" I snapped, as I lean up. Now don't get me wrong, I didn't stay in bed ALL day these pass few weeks. I did go to work, and hung out with my parents. I actually came to tell them that Mark and I were broken up. At first my dad was upset, but then shuts up when he remembered I wanted to choose my own decisions.

"Good, now get dress." Quinn orders, as I trot over to my closet to put on something simple. "You're going to wear that?" she asked, as she looks at my wardrobe.

"What? We're not going anywhere special." I shrug, as I exit my room and she follows.

Quinn took me shopping, which wasn't so amazing. I just followed her around, as she looked around the stores.

"So, how's Puck?" I asked her, while we were sitting on one of the mall's benches, eating soft pestles.

"Uh, he's fine."

"Are you two still doing well?" I asked. I haven't seen Puck for a long time, since he was always with Finn all the time. I actually didn't mind, he reminded me of Finn too much, and it made me even more upset when he gives me disappointed looks.

"Yep . . . Uh, it's been, I think three months."

"Wow, we've known them for three months?" I asked.

"Yep," She nods her head, as I nod mine while ending the conversation there. All day we just walked around, and didn't really talk much.

After we came out of the mall, we go to Quinn's house. She's found a new apartment, so she's been packing a lot lately, and making me work too. We finish up packing for the day, and sat down on her couch, as we lay down to rest.

"So, are you sure you don't want to move in with us?" She asked. There was already a girl living there, who knew Quinn a little bit, but didn't know me.

"Yeah, I'm just going to stay at my parent's house, till I see where I end up at." I nod my head.

"Alright," She says.

"Plus, I'll be over a lot anyway, so you'll probably be annoyed by me." I teased.

"Yeah, you're right." She teases. I nudge her as she laughs, making me giggle a little bit.

After Quinn's, I went back home and hung out with my dad all day, as I helped him with work. It really helped me keep things out of my head when I'm doing things like this.

At work the next day, my boss talked to me about a college that he thought I would be great in. I enjoyed his description that he told me, as he said he'll take me to the campus some time. I always wanted to become a real scientist.


It's been almost a month since I've seen Finn or Mark. I've been healing slowly, but I still break down from time to time.

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