Chapter 11

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I get home from work, when my phone rings.


"Hey gorgeous!" I heard the most amazing voice say on the other line.

"Finn?!" I yelp, but not too loud.

"Surprise, surprise . . ."

"Yeah, it is . . . It-how did you get my number?"

"I got it from someone . . ." He teases.


"Well, this guys was selling these numbers he had, and I looked at them, and saw your name so-"

"Finn," I stop him.

"Just kidding, I just got it from Quinn." He admits.

"Really . . ."

"Yep, I didn't remember to ask you, so I went to the next best person."

"Smart idea,"

"Yeah . . . Anyway, I was just wondering if you're free tonight, baby." I was about to open my mouth to say yes, but then I just remembered this was the night that my parents wanted to have dinner with Mark's parents.

"Oh . . . I wish I could . . . I-It's just my parents wanted to have a dinner with a friend." I said, really disappointed. Man, I hate when I let my dad control my life.

"Oh, it's fine baby." He says, but with a disappointment in his voice. I wanted to just drop everything and just go with Finn.

"Well, maybe I could come to your house later on tonight, after the dinner." I tried to make him feel better, which is making me feel better already.

"Alright, sounds great gorgeous," He says, with excitement in his voice.

"Alright, so I'll see you then?"


"Can't wait. . . I'll talk to you later." I said.

"Alright, I love you." I heard him say, as my heart jumps with a leap.

"I love you too." I said, as we said our goodbye's, and hung up our phones. I smile and let out a sigh, as I went to get dress for the dinner. I'll just go to the dinner, and afterwards have a great time with Finn.

"Was that Mark?" I heard my dad ask, when I was walking to my closet.

"Uh . . . yeah." I lied.

"Okay, well get dress and meet us down stairs." He says. He leaves my room, but with a smile on his face.

I finished getting dress, as I walk down stairs, to the living room. My dress is black, and long that flares down my hips, showing off my curves.

"Hey honey . . . You look great." My mom says when she sees me. I smiled my thanks, as my dad comes down the stairs behind me, and asked us if we were ready. We nod our heads as we exit outside to my dad's car.

We get to Mark's parent's house, as I let out a blow of air, while bracing myself. We walk up to the door, and knocked as their butler answers the door.

We all enter inside as I followed close behind. Their butler winks at me and smiles, as I smiled back at him. He was a nice old butler, who looked like he cared about everyone.

We enter their living room, as Mark's mom rises off her chair, to shake hands with my mom and dad. I stood behind them, as they introduced each other. When Mark's dad comes down stairs, they started to talk to one another, and not including me, which I was grateful for. Five minutes later, Mark walks in and smiles at me when he sees me. I smiled politely at him, and he comes to me to put his hand around my waist.

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