Chapter 9

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This chapter and from here on out will be when I start focusing on the bdsm and other adult themes I mentioned in the beginning of the story! It won't be to intense like whipping or sex swings but there will be very minor bdsm in it! If your not into stuff like that then I would suggest just skipping this chapter since it will be in most of this chapter, I don't wanna see any comments saying the stuff is inappropriate or disgusting when I already warned you before hand what to expect! If you decide to skip the chapter I will lightly summarize what happened in the next chapter but you won't miss anything to important in this chapter so its up to you what you decide to do! For the people who decided to read I hope you like this chapter!

I rush outside, and to the side of my yard where my room was at, but didn't see Finn. Where did he go? I got startled as two arms grab my waist, as they burst from the bushes.

"Crap, you scared me." I said, giggling.

"I live to serve baby." He says, and then smacks my butt.

"Hey," I yelp. He smirks at me, and then starts to pull me towards the end of my house, as he leads me away from it. We walk some ways, as a car goes by fast, and then another as it comes to a stop.

"Come on-" Finn says, leading me inside the car, as we sat in the back. Someone different was sitting in the front with Puck this time.

"Ready to go, Hudson?" Puck asked.

"Yeah," Finn says to him. Puck nods his head, and then leaves.

"Where are we going?" I asked Finn.

"Well, first we're going to pick someone else up." Puck calls from up front. He turns a right, and then keeps on driving. I stayed silent for a minute, stealing glances at Finn, as he scoots closer to me, and pulls me into his arms. I look up at him, as he starts to close in for a kiss. I lean forward, as our lips met again.

He starts to run his tongue across my bottom lip, and I open up for him, as his tongue slips inside my mouth. I met his tongue half way with mine, as our tongues dueled. Oh man, it's getting so hot in here.

He runs his hand under my hair, as he cups the back of my neck, and pushes me more against him, as the kiss started to grow more and more desperate. I tried to bite back a moan, but couldn't keep it back for too long.

I feel my lungs burn, but I let the oxygen come in from the cracks of our mouths. I feel him push me down a little, as he lays me down across the back seat. Oh god, I'm burning up here. I feel him put himself in between my legs, as he kisses me harder.

"Oh shit . . . Looks like our boy's a little occupied right now." I heard one of the guys up front say, but I ignore them as I feel Finn leave my lips, and trail down my neck. I don't care if the others are up front, if Finn wanted to have sex here right now, I would let him. I feel his erection rub against my center, and I let out a little moan, as I rub harder against him.

He groans quietly as he bites down on my skin to suppress the sound. I get lost in the make out session, as we both started to dry hump. The guys up front turned on the music a while ago, not wanting to hear us. It's loud so we didn't have to keep quiet. I kept on fueling up the heat, as I rub harder and harder against his arousal, feeling it grow and grow.

"Shit-" Finn groans against my neck. I'm so lost in the trance, that I didn't here or feel the car stop, or didn't hear them get out. Finn and I kept on going at it, as two people got back inside the car.

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