Chapter 3: where am I?!

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The next morning, i woke up in a "KING SIZED BED" at first I was like this is so comfortable but, fuck, I'm in a stranger's house?! So I stood up from that big bed found that my sandals were on the door side of the big room, my socks were there too, I quickly wore every clothing and footwear I had been wearing that night, i slowly opened the door exit and seen that no one was there, i passed through the shortest way, I was shocked to see that it was a mansion. it was so big! every Gucci brands and Louis Vuitton bags are placed in a transparent cabinet, i searched for my purse, and there I found it on the table on the middle of the two stairs, Then, I checked the main main door opening it very slowly and it was open, i was like "What kind of kidnapper is this shit?" i mumbled to myself very exhausted and went out not even bothering to close the door, i called a Taxi going to my house, as I arrived, i searched for the key, luckily i found it, i opened my main door and i was so relieved to get in my house again. I opened my phone since there wasn't any signal on the other way, many messages popped out,

missed calls

20 from Alexa
33 from Ryan
39 from Renee
48 from lee

everyone seemed to care for me, gosh i love them, so i messaged them one by one, Lee called me right away after I messaged him, yes i Answered


Y/n: don't worry Lee, it's just a random kidnapper that kidnapped me, brought me in his/her home , without any reason, and the kidnapper was stupid

Lee: that's my girl (lol) starting from tomorrow , I'll be your overprotective brother.!

y/n: fine! my cute psycho brother HAHAHAHA

(guys i just wanna let you know that they aren't siblings, Lee, who is 1 year older than Y/n, has a crush on her, and it's 2am in my place so this must be an excuse? lol it's Christmas Vacation and im so HAPPPPPPYYYYYY okay gtg bye)

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