Chapter 16

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          4 and a half years later.....

I eventually have 3 cute angels in my house, it's surprising how I managed to take care of 3 cheeky babies! I still had my part time job, luckily they pay twice than what I would earn each day.

I had 2 boys, their names are Jihyun and Kai,
While my daughter's name is junhae

So I'll tell you guys their personalities.

Jihyun is the oldest from the 3, he acts mature at his age, he helps me in the chores and helps me in cooking too
He's a Lil serious but sweet at the same time

Kai is the youngest, he is wayyyy opposite from Jihyun, he can be helpful sometimes but most of the time, he's lazy  (lol sorry for boys named kai)

Junhae is the sassy one, she acts girly and has great ideas in fashion, she even picks my clothes for the day!

And I can't avoid war between the 3 of them, haha

And they would usually talk about their appa, i dont know what to say, but i would tell them that their appa is handsome, tall, and his hair was black.


The kids and I are in the mall right now, I'm in H&M shopping for clothes Jihyun and Kai are in a chair right now waiting for me. While Junhae is with me picking clothes. Damn there's so much beautiful clothes that I want to buy! So I took em all!
Junhae: eomma I want that for you too! *points to a dress*
Me: that looks beautiful! I'll get it too
Kai: eomma and unnie aren't you done yet?
Junhae: hey we just started shopping
Jihyun: hey more like 30 minutes ago!
Me: okay stop fighting kids
Junhae: kai started it
Jihyun and I laughed, junhae and Kai just gave us a death glare HAHAHA
so after junhae and i were done picking clothes, we went in the fitting area while I told my kids to sit on the chairs in the fitting area

junhae: hey oppa Jihyun, do you know who our appa is?
Kai: hey I was about to ask that question too
Junhae: well I read your mind!
Jihyun: *disgusted look* mianhe Junhae but I really don't know
Kai: maybe he's at work
Junhae: then why did he never come back?
Jihyun: maybe he's working abroad, but eomma said about his looks.
Junhae: i hope that we meet him one day
Kai: ne

Yeah, I heard their conversation, I tried not to cry, but eventually I was already wearing the dress so I went out of the fitting slots and showed my kids the dress.

Junhae: wow eomma you look so pretty! I picked that for you!
Kai: she looks like a lady with wings
(Oh my goodness i can't 😂😂😂)
Jihyun: it's called an off shoulder Kai
We all laughed and I checked out for more of the clothes that I picked.

After I was done checking the clothes we went to the cashier and I paid there.

Then we went to a park, I realized that it was the same park as where Taehyung and I had our date, I smiled like a crazy person as I held my children's hands while Junhae held kai's hand.
Then we went to a nearby fountain and sat on the benches, then kai turned his head and saw an ice cream shop.

Kai: eomma I want ice cream *points to the ice cream shop*
Junhae: eomma I also want too!
Jihyun: me too eomma!!!
(OKAY OKAY all of them asked for ice cream)
Me: okay I'll buy for you guys, what ice cream flavor would you guys like?
Kai: vanilla eomma
Junhae: chocolate!
Jihyun: mint chocolate
Me: okay kids, just stay here while I'll go there and buy your ice creams.
All of the kids: thank you eomma *hugs me* *hugs back*

Then I went to the ice cream shop, i actually needed to walk pass a road to go there, so I walked going there.

*the kid's area* (lol idek if I'll call this the kid's pov or what)

Junhae: *turns her head and saw a playground* oppa I wanna go to the playground!
Kai: c'mon hyung let's go there too!
Jihyun: but we need to stay here cuz eomma said so
Kai: but it will take a while cuz the line there is long
Junhae: come on let's gooooo!!
Jihyun: ugh fine, but just for 10 minutes okay?
Junhae and kai: okayy! !!!

The story will end soon and more interesting parts will be revealed so stay tuned!💜

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