Chapter 7

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I woke up because of my stupid alarm clock that's installed in my phone
So i lazily checked the time and it was 9am
I turned my head and saw taehyung beside me sleeping like a kid, that's cute, i dressed up to my clothes on the bed.

I find him cute, i don't honestly know why he became a mafia.

But i totally forgot, that I slept in his house,
Then, i got out of the bed, then, i felt a hand that held on my wrist, it was Taehyung ofc

Tae: where are you going? *pouts*
Me: downstairs Tae
Taehyung: that's a cute nickname for me *shows his boxy smile*
Me: HAHAHAHAHHA so funny, im just gonna cook breakfast
Tae: i gotta dress up first
Me: sure *smirks then laughs*

I went downstairs and prepared breakfast
eggs, bacon and kimchi were the only thing in his refrigerator.

Then, i also made some omelete and decorated the breakfast plate. I also prepared some orange and apple juice for the both of us.

15 minutes later, Taehyung went downstairs, he was following the smell that the omelete and the rest of the food made.

Then he walked like a little kid to the counter of the kitchen while i was preparing.

Taehyung: you know what Jagiya, im so lucky to have you right now

Me: same, i learned to love someone for real because of you.

Taehyung: now who is that someone..?*raises his eyebrow*

Me: stupid, you! *smiles*

Then both of us laughed and we ate breakfast.

*while eating breakfast*

Taehyung: i was thinking if u could stay
with me in the mansion

Me: yeah, i was thinking of the same

Taehyung: jagi you should *shows boxy smile*

Me: so when am i taking my stuff here?

Taehyung: today cuz we have nothing to do

Me: lol okay jagi

We laughed then finished our breakfast.
I didn't really had much stuff at home, it was pretty empty,

So right after we changed to our clothes we went to my home and started to arrange and put my stuffs into boxes,

Taehyung: your house is huge but you live alone?

Me: it's a very long story jagi

Taehyung: well okay, i also got some help from my hyungs so that we could finish fastly

Me: oh okay.

Then, his hyungs arrived fast, they introduced themselves to me, and i admit they're handsome but taehyung will always be my baby.

Then we started to arrange the stuff and put them into the trunk, we also talked about lots of things such as how did taehyung became a mafia and how were their bonds

Then after everything was set, taehyung qas paying them, but they refused, i asked "are you guys sure??" In a worried tone, then RM said "it's okay, it's not even a lot, right boys?"

Then all of them replied "yes", then, when we were done in everything we went back to our homes, it took us only 5 hours to fully empty the house and transfer it to the mansion.

Tae: what a day!
Y/n: that wasn't even a day lol
Tae: i know, hehe

Then he kissed me on the cheek, i kissed him back on the cheek too, then we went upstairs, I changed my clothes into some short pants and an oversized black shirt, my short pants were kinda short but i didnt care cuz im with my boyfriend anyways, hehe :))

Then, taehyung dressed up too into his black shirt with his black shorts,

Me: oh wow, we're in the same shirt
Tae: i just noticed it now as well *smiles*

Then we threw ourselves on the bed and cuddled for the rest of the night.

Hi guys! It's been a while since i updated, im sorry for the late update, i hope you liked my new update for today,

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