chapter 17

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Author's POV

So the kids went in the playground and played for more like 5 minutes while Y/n was still in the ice cream shop, the line was long, she cant look at the 3 kids cuz the shop was far away from the benches.

Junhae and Kai were in the seesaw while Jihyun was in the swing.
After 2 minutes, jihyun decided to tell his siblings that they needed to go back.

Jihyun: oh by the way we need to go back!
Kai: oh right! But, where is the benches?
Junhae: oh come on don't tell me that we're lost
Jihyun: *looks around* im sorry to say this but we are, there weren't really as much people in this playground. It was just the 3 of them there.

Kai starts crying, junhae tries to go to him and pat his back and eventually cried too.
Then junhae starts to freak out and cries more.

Taehyung's POV
Im in the park right now, just walking alone, this was the park where Y/n and i last dated, this place had so much memories of her and i.
Work has been more and more stressful, while y/n wasn't beside me, i focused all things at work. I miss her,  also our baby.

I was walking on a hill until i passed by a playground, then i saw 2 kids crying in that area, (jihyun wasnt crying on this scene) i felt bad so i went to them and asked what was wrong.

Taehyung: *bends to their position* hello kids, i kinda felt bad because i saw you kids crying here, may i know what's wrong?
Junhae: *sniffs* we are lost
Jihyun: *comes closer to them*yes mister.....
Then kai cries more, taehyung pats his back and rubs it.

Taehyung: may i know your names?
Kai: im kai
Jihyun: im jihyun, the oldest
Junhae: im junhae
Taehyung: are you kids triplets?
Jihyun; ne mister
Taehyung: oh, can i bring you kids to your eomma?
All except tae: ne mister
Taehyung: don't call me mister, it makes me old
Then they laughed haha
Junhae: then what will we call you?
Taehyung: just call me taehyung
All: okay taehyung...
Taehyung: oh by the way, where is your appa?
Kai: we don't know, eomma never talled about him
Taehyung: you guys never met him?
Jihyun: never.
Kai: but she told me that he is tall, handsome and his hair is black, and he looks like you!
Taehyung: *laughs* i can be your appa for an hour
Junhae: really taehyung oppa?
Taehyung: yep *shows his boxy smile*
Now, let's start finding your eomma, where did she last went to?
Junhae: in the ice cream shop pass a road
Taehyung:oh i think i know where that place is, let's go there.

So we left the playground and we walked all the way to the ice cream shop.

While your pov

So finally i was done buying their ice creams, i went to the benches but....
I started to panic that i dropped 2 of the ice creams, i dont care about the ice cream dropping but WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CHILDREN?! I started to walk around and ask random people about my kids, 95% of them doesn't know, but a person who was sitting at the benches that were close to where we sat on told me that they went to the playground. I ran tot he playground but there wasn't even a child there,

I started to call my relatives and look for them a lot,

But, no news.

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