Chapter 6: punishment

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so after the call, YN laid down beside Taehyung, he still turned his back on her, until, he faces on her again with an upset face

Taehyung: who was that?
YN: it's just Lee
Taehyung: but you guys aren't in a relationship? why would u say i love you to each other?
YN: you know what, it's late, let's sleep
Taehyung: you need a punishment whenever you like it or not

so Taehyung went ontop of YN,


so i was surprised when taehyung suddenly went on top of me, he began attacking my neck and placing hickeys all over it, i didn't felt comfortable at all, because of his member poking me, i tried to push him but he just grabbed my hands and placed it on top of my head.

he went to my lips and kissed it roughly, i had no choice but to kiss him back,

our kiss became intense, he removed his shirt showing his toned abs, i won't lie but, i blushed on that moment.

then he went between my legs and removed my jeans, he kissed me again, then we made eye contact,

Taehyung: you look so beautiful when you're scared, *smirks*

he took off his pajamas, then rubbed my thighs, i felt a little awkward too.

now he was only left in his boxers, he turned off the lamp that was beside his bed, and removed my off shoulder top with my undies.

he attacked my boobs and massaged them, a soft moan escaped my mouth

Taehyung: i see that you want more, don't you?

YN: no i dont-

then he removed his boxers, im not gonna lie, his member was big, for around 7 inches.

Taehyung: are you still virgin?

i nodded my head like an innocent girl, he took something from the drawers beside his bed, a condom i guess, he put it on and pumped it, without any warning he placed it inside of me,
he was big, so big that i needed to adjust to it,

both pain and pleasure was mixing inside of me,

Taehyung: does it hurt?

YN: a bit

Taehyung: do u want me to stop

YN: no, it's okay, go on

so he did, he pushed it farther, and sucked my boobs so that i won't feel much pain.

few minutes later, all i felt was pleasure, now I started to moan very loudly.

Taehyung: from now on baby girl, call me Daddy, if you didn't, ill go faster

YN: UgggHhh TaEhYung-

Taehyung: what's my name?? *goes faster and faster

YN: UGggHhh Daddy faster-

Taehyung: that's my girl

end of YN'S pov

Author's POV

one hour later, Taehyung rolled beside of the bed and took the blankets and covered it to the both of us

Taehyung: will you be my girlfriend?
YN: what should i say? joke of course yes!

then taehyung and i just hugged each other.

okay so that's the tea HAHAHAH
stay safe guys from the CorOnAvIrus
always wear masks and practice good hygiene!🤙❤

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