Chapter 12

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i know Lee's address which was good.
my hair was a mess, so i fixed it into a high ponytail, i wore my mask, too

i was pulling my luggage, tears were escaping from my eyes over and over again, i wiped them all off, then i standby the road and called for a taxi.

it didn't took me a while and i finally got a taxi.

i told him the address then he drove me all the way there,
while the ride was going, i was tearing up, how can he keep this to me as a secret? i have so much questions in my mind that my brain would explode anytime.

i finally got to Lee's house, i paid the taxi and dragged my luggage going to the frontdoor. his house was a duplex which made me kinda comfortable.

i rang the doorbell, without any second he opened the door, he immediately hugged me and asked.

lee: what happened?
me: my boyfriend and I broke up
lee: woah, that's bad, come in.

i smiled at him, he closed the door behind me and he dragged my luggage, he's still a gentleman like in the olden days.

his house was absolutely big that i could even ice skate in here, haha
he held my hand and carried my luggage going to his room.

Lee: here's my room, is it small? or is it big?

i laughed at him, he wanted everything to be completely perfect for me.

me: it's perfectly fine and big duh

then both of us laughed,

lee: now tell me the reason why.

he sat on the bed, he tapped an unoccupied area beside him, signalling me to sit on it.

yes, i sat down, and i told him everything that happened and that im pregnant.

he seemed like a good listener, he was the best boy bestfriend that i had.

me: im sorry, it was a long story.
Lee: no, it's okay, are you planning to keep the baby? *rubs my tummy*
me: yes.
Lee: and that's my Dahyee,

he raised his hand for a high five, i high five him back and both of us laughed.

Lee: want some food? you should not starve yourself

i wanted mangoes again, argh i hate you so much Taehyung.

me: how about Mangoes, do you have some?
lee: yesss!!! imma cut you slices of them downstairs, wanna watch me?
me: sure *smiles like a kid*
lee: okay let's go.

we went out of the room and on the stairs, he held my hand tightly

lee: you should take care of the baby
me: lee, im alright, don't overreact 😂
lee: but i want him or her to be safe
me: sure haha

lee's POV

we were walking down to the stairs while holding Y/n's hand tightly, i wanted her and the baby safe

ill be the father of her baby, i promise
ill love it like my own.

end of Lee's pov

it took us a while until we reached downstairs, he held me to the kitchen counter's seats, then, he prepared the mangoes and took a knife to cut them.

lee: watch me, im good at cutting Mangoes
me: you sure *chuckles*
lee: of course duh *smiles*

i smiled at his sillyness and he started to cut some mangoes for me, he slices so good!

after he was done, he asked me what i wanted.

lee: wanna watch movies?
me: sure
lee: okay let's watch in the living room
me: okay *smiles*

Taehyung's POV

i don't know what to do anymore-
i sat on the very edge of my room, feeling guilty and sad of what just happened, i should've never let her go. i want her back right now.

i tried to look for her in her previous apartment, but it was all empty

i dont know where she is right now, i miss her, until i saw something on the floor, it was her hairpin, i took it and hugged it.

i looked at the ceiling, my eyes were puffy red, so as my nose darn it
(srsly i feel that they're very red)

after she left, i immediately went upstairs and pushed everything off the table, i didn't care about my expensive perfumes that were broken, i only cared about yn, i want her back,

everything in the room was a mess, i saw Yn and I's picture, i crolled and got it on my hands, i hugged it tight and cried more then grinned my teeth,

i dont know where to look for her now, i miss her

i miss her voice
i miss her hair
i miss her lips
i miss her touch
i miss everything about her

untili didn't noticed that i fell asleep, still hugging the picture.
i wanna rewind the times that we first met,

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