Chapter 21

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When we arrived home, it was already 9pm, "kids, it's late, time for bed!" I said then we went upstairs to their bedroom, which was my old bedroom, their bed was a bunk bed, Junhae and Kai share a bed at the down bed while Jihyun sleeps on top,
I tucked each of them in their beds, Jihyun was fast asleep, he's like his hyung, Yoongi, HAHAHAHAHA

Then i tucked Junhae and kai on their bed, then Junhae said

Junhae: eomma when are we gonna meet Taehyung oppa again?
Kai: yess!! Also Jungkook hyung?
Me: maybe never kids
Then junhae starts crying
Junhae: why eomma? I wanna meet them again*a tear falls from her eye*
Me: Junhae baby hush * wipes the tears from her eye* fine baby, we will meet them again one day
Junhae: kamsahamnida eomma *hugs me* *hugs back*
Kai: also Jungkook hyung eomma?
Me: yes my baby boy
Then both of them hugged me, i hugged them back then i told a story to them to make them fall asleep.

After they dozed off to bed, i kissed the 3 of them in their foreheads then went downstairs, i wasn't sleepy yet and there won't be work tomorrow so i decided to go downstairs and watch movies while i eat some cheetos and popcorn, a great way to spend some time with myself.

But first i dressed up into my nightgown and went downstairs.
Just as i was watching a movie in netflix, thunder came, i ignored it then rain started to fall on our roof.
The kids are very very asleep so they won't be awake by the thunder. 
I continued eating my cheetos while the interesting episode starts, then, i heard a knock on the door, who would be outside right now in a heavy rain.

I lazily got up from the couch and opened the door, then there i saw him  soaking wet, his hair was all wet with his leather clothes.

I didn't expect you to come here.

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