Chapter 29

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While he was about to take advantage of me, someone knocked on the door and said "BOSS THEY FOUND US!"
Chanyeol: WHAT?! I guess we'll play this the hard way. *smirks*
He took something from his waist,
i-it was a gun.....

Me: Chanyeol don't u-use that
Chanyeol: but I have to baby, to make you mine.
Then he jumped out of me and quickly got out of the room, I tried to run and unlock the door, but he was so fast that he quickly locked it.

I rested my back onto the wall and slid my back until I sat down.

Why is it always me?!

I started to cry, I didn't care about my mascara that was already soggy and messed up on my face, I wanted to get out of here!
Then, I heard a knock, it was Suga

Suga: is somebody in here?!
Y/n: suga it's me y/n! The door is locked!
Suga: don't worry Y/n I got you, I'll shoot the door.

I backed out a little, then I heard a gunshot, I covered my ears in fear, then i saw Suga, I quickly hugged him.
Suga: im getting you out of here.

We went outside, all we heard was gunshots all over the whole mansion
"Guys I got her!" Suga whispers on his phone, but it was too late, a man blocked our way, suga oppa was fast, he quickly shot him on his heart,
Then more men started to surround us (around 3) and points their guns to the both of us

Suga: Y/n run *whispers to me*
Me: are you sure?!
Suga: yes, go!!

So I followed his orders and quickly ran, suga hyung was busy fighting with the 3 men, luckily he beated them all, but I got farther, I looked back again, but I bumped into someone........

And it was Chanyeol.......

Chanyeol: so? Are you giving up and you're living with me now
Me: noooo!!!

I shouted it, then, most people gathered but the same time shoots too.
I tried to run but he held my arm tightly that my bones would break anytime and pulled my hair tightly.

Me: C-chanyeol it hurts!
Chanyeol: no!!!

He held both of my wrists with his big hand and tied them with a rope. Then he dragged me going outside with him! It was already rainy and the sky turned black. But even before he managed to abduct me, someone punched him on his back, it was taehyung.


Taehyung was already on top of him and punches him multiple times, but chanyeol kicked him on the balls and he flipped him over, then he starts to punch taehyung harshly, there were blood on chanyeol's lips, so as Taehyung

Me: STOPPP!!!!

I shouted on top of my lungs, then a bts member shot him until he was dead. It was jimin hyung.

I was shocked on what i saw, did I just witness a murder..??

Then, Jimin untied my hands, I was shocked and frozen. Then he runs to Taehyung and helped him get up, he had a bruise on his lip and on his arm.

The rest of the bts members ran to them, j hope shouts "let's gooo!!!" Then all of us were in the van, Jin was in the back part of the van, curing Taehyung, I was with him the entire time.

Taehyung: jagiya are you alright?
Me: don't worry about me, im fine, how about you?
Taehyung: im okay, as long as I'm with you......

Then after he got treated, he hugged me, I hugged him back, then a question popped on my head

Me: oh, where are the triplets?
Taehyung: they're with Ryan right now
Me: thank god! The triplets wanted to spend some time with Ryan anyways...

I hope that this will never happen ever again.....

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